Advice on new fish selection


New Member
I have a 50 gallon tank with 45lbs of LR. Current inhabitants:2 Tomato clowns and an engineer goby, and numerous snails. I want to add another fish and since it will probably be the last one I add I want to get something with a lot of personality and color. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

nm reef

Active Member
How long has your system been going........what does the water chemistry look like.....if its established enough possibly a dwarf or pygmy angel would be kewl.....just a suggestion.......


Royal Gramma or Flame Hawk? Flame Hawk may possibly eat your snails but mine never bothered any of my inverts aside from my (R.I.P.) cleaner shrimp.
I also just bought a Flameback Angel today and gotta say he's really a nice looking fish. Flame Angel would go OK too but seems a lot of people lately have been having problems keeping them alive for long.


Active Member
a reall cool fish is the Dwarf flame angel!! HE is a busy fish that loves to slip in and out of the LR after he's acclimated a day or two. He won't eat for about one to three days so don't get nervous - after that you can feed him anytinhg and he will enjoy his tank mates (only dislikes other dwarfs)
How about a sailfin Tang - extremely pretty and loves to swim everywhere. One of the most striking features however is the size of the anal and dorsal fins. It can practically double how large it appear by raising or lowing my tall fins.
As long as you watch for ick and don't buy a Red Sea Sailfin they are reasonably priced ($19 to $50) depending on where and what size.
I agree with bruce, but if you get the flame, be ready. I've heard not good stories about these fish on this bb, but extremely pretty.


New Member
I would agree on the caution advised about the flame angel, If you do your reading on them you will find that they are said to be a great reef fish. However they havent been
doing well latly for some reason,survival rate in captivity is very poor right now.


Stay away from the Sailfin tang or any tangs for that matter - your tank is too small and you would be just asking for trouble.
I think before people suggest fish for someone else's tank they should know how big that fish will get and what size tank is required to keep it healthy for the duration of it's life. Sailfins can get to be 15" and require a minimum of a 135g tank when it is mature.
I do agree with the pygmy angels. If your tank has matured for at least 6 months, they can be a very attractive addition. I have 3 different pygmies in three different tanks - Lemonpeel, Coral Beauty and a Flame - the flame is 3 years old. They are very active and curious little creatures. If you decide on one, have the lsf hold it for at least a week or two and make sure it is eating before you buy it.
[ July 13, 2001: Message edited by: Amphiprion ]


New Member
I think a coral beauty would be a nice choice. They're not too expensive and nice to look at. I bought one last week and like it a lot - but it's extremely shy. I have a flame in my other tank, which I also love. However, it's a bigger chance to take since they are more pricey and don't always do well. That said, I've had mine for about 6 months and am keeping my fingers crossed. He's beautiful, very active, and doesn't bother anyone else - I put him in last.


I have seen three sailfin tangs in a 300g home aquarium. They ranged from 9" to 11".
Not something you should be putting in a 50g aquarium.


I would go with a Royal Gramma....they are pretty cool looking fish. They are active and as my bro says..."looks like a comet ****** around in the tank". Looks really cool under aquarium lighting.
I tried a flame angel and it died within 2 weeks....$50!!! OUCH!!!
maybe some small wrasses, like a sixline or a 4 spotted wrasse, they are both very hardy fish and have great color and stay small.


I was just thinking of the sixline for this situation! Am reseraching my own fish selection at this time. I like them because they swim all over...seem like happy little fish.