Advice on Percs and Carpet Anenome


We would like to get a mated pair of perculas and a green carpet anenome for our new 92 gallon tank. We have no livestock yet, just ready for them now. Still a bit early for the anenome, though I want to get it yesterday!
Having trouble finding mated pairs of perculas at all though. One place had something posted that made it seem as if we just got two small ones at the same time they will mate with each other. I've also seen to get one medium and one small, but the smaller one might take a beating for a while - which I'd like to avoid.
Any input??


Active Member
Some one had given me a mated pair of percs but they never hosted my carpet. If there are no othber inhabitants in the tank , you should be alright just getting two and one be smaller, they will figure it out. Just make sure to give it a little while before getting it . They grow very big(carpets) and if you feed it correctly, it will out grew your 92 gal ,pretty quick. Mine went from about 4-6 inches to 20+ in just a year. That was just feeding it twice a week! Good luck :joy:


"Mine went from about 4-6 inches to 20+ in just a year. That was just feeding it twice a week!"
OMG - seriously??
My husband has seen some statistics on-line that indicate 90% of all anemones bought for home tanks die inside of 6 months. Can that be true?


Active Member
It can be true...But you have to remember that many of them are bought by new reefers who dont knwo what the hell they're doing...Ie. no lights, dont feed, bad parameters, etc. For some, anemones are difficult, but some find them really easy. BTW that carpet is huuuuugee!! Got any pics?


Active Member
Dont have any pics now but just posted them 2 months ago, search my threads "just a few pics". He is there but not completely spread but still a great pic

bang guy

Originally Posted by Sorcha
"Mine went from about 4-6 inches to 20+ in just a year. That was just feeding it twice a week!"
OMG - seriously??
My husband has seen some statistics on-line that indicate 90% of all anemones bought for home tanks die inside of 6 months. Can that be true?
I believe the current number is 97% but that might be for number that die within a year.
Anemone are not for the new hobbiest and Carpets should only be attempted by the advanced Anemone keeper in my opinion.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I believe the current number is 97% but that might be for number that die within a year.
Anemone are not for the new hobbiest and Carpets should only be attempted by the advanced Anemone keeper in my opinion.

*sigh* Yeah, I'm afraid we're getting ahead of ourselves. We've had a 25 gallon tank going for a good while now and haven't had any bad experiences yet, so I think we've gotten kind of cocky about what we can do. Though my husband takes excellent care of the tank and we use Nutri-Seawater, which makes a big difference in the water quality.