So far my Lawnmower Blenny is my FAVORITE fish, he's just a blast to watch. Such a great personality. I'd love to hear others sugestions for fish w/ similar or fun personalities (preferably reef safe).
Not reef safe, but boxfish, puffers, angels, and tangs take the bill IMO. Also triggers.
TANGS ARE USUALLY REEF SAFE, my clown tang was a trip before after two years he went missing. Clowns are also cool.
Ive got a small cinnamon clown in my tank... what a cool fish!! The little guy seems to be really happy and is a trip to watch swim around... REALLY active and 100% reef safe
The midas blennie is really cool, It was my first fish and still my favorite. Another interesting fish is the Diamond goby, but if you decide on one of these make sure your rock is on the bottom glass and stable as they dig alot.
Fish include:
Hippo tang, yellow tang, Maroon Yellow strip clown, Midas blennie, Lawnmower blennie, Diamond goby, tiny true perc clown and 3 evil damsels I can not catch!
Puffers have been my favorite so far. I had 2 in a FW tank for a while, but they aren't reef safe so I won't be putting one in this tank.
Is the Lawnmower Blenny known for digging? Someone has been making some pretty big caves under my LR lately.
I agree, as far as non-reef safe fish go, there can't be any fish more personable than puffers. My LFS has a dogface that acts more like a dog than a fish. He actually watches people more than they watch him.
The lawnmower blennies are so cool. But I like Percula clowns too. They are neat fish to watch. Cool personalities. Before mine died, he would eat from my hand.
Well, I have 5 fish. They have all been safe in my reef and have more personality than alot of people I know. My yellow tang is big and friendly. He loves people and follows me around the tank(3ft by 3ft by 18 with overflow built in the center). He reacts to music, interacts with my rottwieler and seems to really enjoy all tank mates. He's the first one I bought and is the first to check out a new arrival.
My other fish are a flame angel, a coral beauty, a blue tang, a blonde naso and a banggi cardinal.
I know it seems odd to have such a common fish as a favriot but it's just something you would have to see. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
My lawnmower blennie is my favorite reef safe fish. In a seperate tank I have a sharp nosed puffer that spits water at me when I feed him. He's a pretty good shot, too!
for reef safe and personality id go with the clowns and scooters. for schoolers green chromises make for a busy tank. and they all get along with lawnmowers
I enjoy my 6-line Wrasse. Very active swimmer. Mine zooms in and out of my lr constantly. A pair of shrimp, either cleaner, peppermint or blood, are very cool once they get over being shy. Mine will crawl over my hand when I'm doing some cleaning. They will also grab food when I'm direct feeding a coral, so I end up feeding them first just so they leave the corals food alone!
I have to agree with dan. I have alot of fish in 6 tanks but my favorite reef-safe fish has to be the 6 line wrasse. He is so colorful and active. He loves to swim in and out of every little crack or creaves in the tank. Will swim along other fish as if to just say hi and then back to his business. The way they swim in undescribable. They seem to bend around the rocks and hoover over a spot, reminds me of a humming bird. Good Luck!
Ocellaris clowns might be the most social fish I have ever seen. All the ones I have owned swim to the edge of the glass, as if they want to come out and sit in your lap. If you get two of them, one larger than the other, they'll play in the current/anemone all day, and are a joy to watch, plus very easy to keep!
I also loved my six-line (R.I.P.). He was a very active swimmer, and his eyes never stopped moving.
A pearly jawfish is really cool. They scoop up rocks and sand in there mouth and spit it out to form a little cave around them. Your rocks should be on the glass they because their tunnelling may make them unstable but they are beautiful and a blast to watch.
I like to watch my pir of maroon clowns.And i also watsh my mandrain it is fun to watch him go around and pick at the rocks for pods he is doing very well I also want to get a six line wrasse. scince i have just heard so much good things about peoples lawnmower blennies i will look into getting one
Goby and prawn combination is one of my favorites, but my longnose hawkfish is great. He will eat right out of my hand, and will follow me around the tank. Bicolor blennies are neat too. They always back into holes in the live rock.