Advice on sandsifters(Goby and Blenny).


I am looking for a goby or blenny that will sift sand and not bother jawfish, firefish, clam mantles, or corals(non-aggressive). And also, hardy and not starve to death.
There is no such thing. Most sandsifting fish are picky eaters and it is very common for them to starve, even in well established tanks. You're better off avoiding fish with a diet consisting of sifting sand.


Active Member
If you want a good sand sifter that doesn't rely soley on pods the you should look into a Watchman Diamond Goby (sometimes called a Orange Spotted Goby). Mine does a very good job of keeping my sand clean and doesn't mess with my clam. He has doubled in size in 1 year and when I feed my other fish frozen Brine & Mysis shrimp cubes he gets right into the mix and gets plenty to eat! He does make a little mess of my sand sometimes but overall one of my favorite fish!