ADVICE PLEASE.. heater, chiller, temperature levels


Well I am finally going to take the plunge into buying a chiller for my tank due to one big reason. (Hurricane Season) and I live in Miami, FL where if power goes down I will have a generator up to power the house and rather having it guzzle gas and power the A/C I will simply need juice and let the chiller do the rest.
My PROBLEM currently is I have a programmable control on the A/C which I have pinpointed to adjust to different temps in the house and maintain my temp in the tank along with a heater. My heater is a Hydor 150W heater and I have it set previously at 77 on the top marker. My coral life thermo shows 78.5 and my glass thermometer with suction shows 80 degrees on the money which I would think is right considering there is a 1.5 +- accuracy on the coral life. Now the kicker is why does the HEATER keep turning ON even when my temp is at 79 degrees and I have it at 77. Well affter adding a coral my temps started to raise1.5 degrees and I backed the heater down to 75 degrees to maintain the temp above. Is this a sign of my heater being a POS or are these heaters junk to begin with?
Now with the fact I am buying a chiller I am looking at the Pacific Coast chiller CL-280 1/10 hp. Will I still require a heater or can I do away with the heater? BTW my tank is a 46g bowfront.
Sorry if I added to much info but I want to give all the details.
Forgot to add. My temps have been consistent between 79-80.5
Thanks alot PEOPLE!


Active Member
I had my heater doing the same thing ,then you day I was home(thank God) and noticed my temp was 82 :scared: .This is high cause I usually top out at 80.Lord only knows how hot it would have gotten!!!I would ditch that heater.I dont have a chiller, but I think IMO you should have a heater.Even though you live in warm climate, I'm sure in the off season you would get some days where you would need one.