advice please


some advice please
I have been doing saltwater for about 6-7 years now. I moved into a new home in Feb and of course brought my fish with me. I then changed my CC bed to a sand bed in May. Since then, I have had to most trouble keeping my tank and sand clean (phospahte bloom, etc). I also now have a limited amount of space and wonder if a different tank (same one this whole time) would rekindle my interest. I have considered selling my stuff and getting out of the hobby for a little while but I am torn.....
1. Do I do a massive clean-up and think on it some more?
2. Sell what I have and take a break?
3. Buy a different size/shape tank and "start over"?
What would you do?


Active Member
I am personally choosing number 3. Its nicer to have a larger tank cuz they are easier to manage, they cn hold more fish, and you can get certain fish that a 120 couldnt handle. If you do not want to buy a larger tank, Id say do a 20% water change, and add a phosphate reducing pad to yer filtration. Also, wen are the lights on, where in yer house is the tank located and wat type of water do u put in the tank?


Get a bunch of Mexican Turbos and some fighting Tonga Conchs and they will fix your sandbed problems. Let nature take its course and you will feel better . Good Luck Peter