ADVICE! Should I buy this elegance Coral?


At my work, the head saltwater person ordered an elegance coral. This is beautiful. its about the size of my head and brilliant under the atinics. It looks wonderfully healthy and she told me that he opened within an hour after being unpacked. I just got two 175 halides with 12000k bulbs last week. All the fish and anemones have adjusted fine (I bought the anemones before I knew about them, but all three are doing fabulous.) the tank is a 75 gallon with about 45lbs of live rock. Its only been set up for about 3 months but all the livestock is from my 20 gallon that was set up for almost a year. I have three filters that I got for free from work. a filstar3 a emperor and a tetratec. all water parameters are perfect: no amonia or nitrites, and 5ppm nitrate, ph 8.2 no phosphate or copper.
I would really like to get this coral because for me, it would only be $30 and retail it would be $90. I dont want to get it if it is going to die or take excessive amounts of care. I only have soem mushrooms and some star polyps but both ate spreading well.
Please give your advice. Let me know if you need more information. I could also go and take a picture. Thanks so much!