Advice//Suggestions for First tank.


New Member
I think this Saturday I am going to go to get a Nano tank, most likely either the 12 or 29 Gal. (JBJ, I think is what they have). That with the stand will be about $209 (12g) - $309(29g) (is that a good deal? So far I haven't seen anything better...)
Anyway, i have a few questions about the number of fish//type, and setting it up:
. How deep of a sand bed would you recommend? (I have read about 2-4 inches would be good but that was for normal tanks)
. Live rock, as i have read, should be about 1-1.5 pounds per gallon. The store sells it for 6 dollars a pound, and for 12 pounds here its about 60 dollars--but, they say the weight includes the shipping boxes etc. Also, some people here get rid of their LR for like 3 dollars a pound, but I don't think anyone ships to NC.
. How many fish would be able to go into a 12g? a 29g?
. Is this wish list reasonible:
2 Perc Clowns (I read they were friendly,)
1 Black & White Perc. Clown (I really like these, idk if they get along with the other clowns though)
. 1 Fire Shrimp
. 1 Cleaner Shrimp (would I need this if I had a fire shrimp?)
. 1 Clown Goby
. Blue leg hermits (probably will buy the group of 10)
. 1 Mandarin Dragonet Click
. Chameleon Tilefish - Don't have to have, but it sounds pretty cool.
. 4-Wheel Drive Goby - I don't have to have this, so i can knock it off the list if there is too much.
(you can eliminate things if you think they wont go together, I just really want the 3 clowns)
Again, Advice/ suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I am really excited with starting my first Saltwater Tank.
Other info:
The tank I want will be the one with two lights instead of one, so I think thats the deluxe version of the nano.
The "LFS" is about an hour away...if I do decide to buy fish there in the future, will they safely make the trip home? I would think so if fish are shippable...
Thank you


I purchased my (1 yr old) 44gal tank with stand, lighting, filters, powerhead, heater,etc. for just over $100 from a well known internet

site that cannot be mentioned here. I also purchased LR from same at under $3 per lb. I highly recommend that and/or classifieds both on this site and in your local paper. I hope you have done your research on SW tank care and did not plan to buy your tank and fish at the same time as the tank must be cycled first which takes several weeks. When you do start buying, a loose rule of thumb is 1 (adult-size) fish per 5 gal. This is variable due to type of fish, etc. which needs much research. The key is to add SLOWLY so as not to overload your tank and crash it. As to types, I've always heard not to combine different types of clowns. Also mandarins need a large tank (100+) as they feed on copepods which would be depleted too quickly in a small tank. Thus many a mandarin have starved to death. (I also had wanted one of these until I did my research). Good luck and remember to take your time. SW requires patience.


New Member
Yes I know about the cycling of a tank, and also I am aware of the Mandarin's need for copepods (I provided a link to an article that stated it is possible for them to survive in a nano tank, though it requires a lot of extra care...)
I know about the spikes and allowing your tank to recover after adding fish, I simply stated a wish list of possible fish to go into the tank.
This saturday we are just going to buy the tank, stand..water (pre-mixed with salt), and sand. (possibly rock as well)
Do they allow you to pm me the name to that site?
Thanks for advice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ghoztz
Yes I know about the cycling of a tank, and also I am aware of the Mandarin's need for copepods (I provided a link to an article that stated it is possible for them to survive in a nano tank, though it requires a lot of extra care...)
I know about the spikes and allowing your tank to recover after adding fish, I simply stated a wish list of possible fish to go into the tank.
This saturday we are just going to buy the tank, stand..water (pre-mixed with salt), and sand. (possibly rock as well)
Do they allow you to pm me the name to that site?
Thanks for advice.
Where are you in NC?


A 29g at the most can hold 4/5 fish, so if you want all the fish on your list get something bigger.
Originally Posted by Ghoztz
I think this Saturday I am going to go to get a Nano tank, most likely either the 12 or 29 Gal. (JBJ, I think is what they have). That with the stand will be about $209 (12g) - $309(29g) (is that a good deal? So far I haven't seen anything better...)
Anyway, i have a few questions about the number of fish//type, and setting it up:
. How deep of a sand bed would you recommend? (I have read about 2-4 inches would be good but that was for normal tanks)
. Live rock, as i have read, should be about 1-1.5 pounds per gallon. The store sells it for 6 dollars a pound, and for 12 pounds here its about 60 dollars--but, they say the weight includes the shipping boxes etc. Also, some people here get rid of their LR for like 3 dollars a pound, but I don't think anyone ships to NC.
. How many fish would be able to go into a 12g? a 29g?
. Is this wish list reasonible:
2 Perc Clowns (I read they were friendly,)
1 Black & White Perc. Clown (I really like these, idk if they get along with the other clowns though)
. 1 Fire Shrimp
. 1 Cleaner Shrimp (would I need this if I had a fire shrimp?)
. 1 Clown Goby
. Blue leg hermits (probably will buy the group of 10)
. 1 Mandarin Dragonet Click
. Chameleon Tilefish - Don't have to have, but it sounds pretty cool.
. 4-Wheel Drive Goby - I don't have to have this, so i can knock it off the list if there is too much.
(you can eliminate things if you think they wont go together, I just really want the 3 clowns)
Again, Advice/ suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I am really excited with starting my first Saltwater Tank.
Other info:
The tank I want will be the one with two lights instead of one, so I think thats the deluxe version of the nano.
The "LFS" is about an hour away...if I do decide to buy fish there in the future, will they safely make the trip home? I would think so if fish are shippable...
Thank you
2 percs would be good. i would say no on the mandarin, unless the LFS has one that eats brine shrimp. cleaner shrimp would be better IMO just cause of the fact that they clean the fish as well as some left over food where the fire shrimp wont clean the fish. oh and i would say no to the black clown if you get the 2 percs. mixing different kinds of clowns mostly never works. especially in a tank that small. as far as sand bed goes, the deeper the better IMO. a deeper sand bed will help keep your nitrates down a lil. 4 inches is a lil too much get a 4 inch deep sand bed in a 29g is pretty expensive for just sand. i would go with 2 inches. 1 pound of LR per gallon i think is a dumb rule but thats my opinion, just get whatever looks good to you. and at 6$ a pound thats a lil on the pricey side. out here its only 4$ a pound at my LFS. a clown goby and 4 wheel drive goby will be ok with the 2 percs. and yes if you buy fish from the fish store the hour drive wont hurt them. your LFS should bag them up and fill the bag with oxygen and tie it off with a rubber band, the fish can last a good couple hours like that. hope this info helps


Active Member
You don't want to put 3 clowns in a tank for once a single pair is formed, they will kill the 3rd clown. One alternative is to get 1 regular Ocellaris Clownfish and 1 B&W Ocellaris Clownfish. They will go together as long they are both Ocellaris clowns.
Skip on the Mandarinfish - they are difficult to care for and they need very mature tanks with a constant supply of food.
A clown goby is a good choice. Just choose one species of goby.
Choose a single pair of shrimp - the Fire shrimp may harass the Cleaner shrimp.
A Royal Gramma is another nice choice to add for color.
In a 29G, a maximum of fish is 4 small fishes; in a 12G - 2 fishes.
Since this is your first try at SW keeping, start reading and researching everything about saltwater aquaria keeping. Take it slow and don't rush into it. Saltwater is more delicate than freshwater and expensive as well.


If you post your email address here I can then email you the website or if you'd rather not post it where all can see, you can click on my username above and you will be guided to a page to send me a personal message.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ghoztz
Basically the Rocky Mount area...about 45 mins from Raleigh/Durham.
Some LFS in Raleigh have specials for LR at $3-4 lbs. I know an individual that does 2-3.


New Member
Oh, ok.. cool. That would help a lot.
Can I pm you for the names? (or do they have to be emailed like the previous..)