Advise on choosing new fish


New Member
I have a 55g tank with a wet/dry and a protien skimmer. right now i have about 20lbs live rock, a few blue hermits and a few turbo snails, a small 4 stripe damsel, a small domino damsel, a small percula clown, a coral banded shrimp and a med yellow tang. looking for advice and suggestions as to what i could add to this tank. I'd like to add some color...would i have a problem adding feather dusters with what i have and maybe some corals???
thanks for any help you can give....


For corals, you need good lighting... what kind of lights do you have? If your water quality is good and you have no predators, feather dusters are great.
Good luck. :)


New Member
actually right now i am still using regular flouresent but i'm looking at plans to build a new hood with either power compact or VHO lighting. I looking to startup a new 150g reef tank by the end of the year.


For now you can get away with mushrooms and maybe a leather placed up high but that is about it. I started with fluorescents on my 55 and was able to do this until I got my pc's. A coral beauty would be nice- thy are colorful and stay out in the open for the most part. They also will not get that big. Feather dusters are pretty easy except my tang doesn't seem to like them. He tore two up 2 months apart the first day they were in the tank.