Advise on Fish List


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank with 58 pounds of LR. Here is what I am thinking for our fish:
Flame Angelfish
Blenny (of some sort)
Bi-Color Dottyback
Banggai Cardinal
Firefish Goby
Six Line Wrasse
Fiji Puffer
Blue Starfish
I am not sure how many of these will be comfortable in a 55 gallon so please let me know.
I realize this will take a while to eventually get all the fish in the tank but what do you think of the compatibility of these fish?


Active Member
Well, you might want to look into buying a couple of some species and cutting some out. I'm not familiar with the "non-reef friendly" species such as the fiji puffer.
I have heard good things about the flame angels, and they are very pretty. No first hand expirience though. Always been too scared it'll pick at my polyps and such.
Clownfish - tank raised are very hardy, just a suggestion. Also, not bad in a pair. I'm actually gonna buy another one on monday, I used to have a pair of tank raised Percula's in my 30g, but one jumped out the back and I've been wanting replace it, but had to wait for the one left to grow so it would establish dominance.
Cardinals - might want to look into 3 or more of these. They school well if I remember right and do best in numbers.
Firefish - I have a purple one that was my first fish I added. Still have it a year later and is healthy and the purple is vibrant. Nice fish, and is normally out in the open or burrowing around, interesting personality and helps round out the fish tank.
6 line - I had one, it was a very pretty fish. Had "gas problems" I had to soak its food before feeding it so it didnt' swallow air off the surface. It ended up jumping out of the tank aswell (not doing too good when my 2 deaths have been suicides, guess I gotta get some screening or something). Colorful fish that was always out swimming around showing itself off. Also helped me know when something in my water was off, its colors would reflect it's mood and the water conditions well.
Those are the fish I have expirience with, I'd ask around for some advice on the others.
Good Luck!