advise on what to do


yea $5.00 a lb is cheap. I pay $12.50 a lb. I get really nice live rock though. It has clams and live plants on it and some have feather dusters. For plain live rock I pay $7.50 lb. So that is a really good price.


i got about 14lb of LR and 25lb of BR in the tank....
im happy with the amount of rock in there, maybe later on ill add some more LR, and it turns out it $6.50.... i was lookin at the wrong price...
the tank is going to be left open, no glass tops....
i really dont like the blue actinics, i kinda like the white.....
is it stupid to cheap out and get the newtek 55w 10,000k lights instead of the coralife 65w 10.00k bulbs? the newtek are $20 cheaper and available....