Aeration In The Tank


Active Member
hello kids.. going to be setting up my tank in a couple of weeks, and im just trying to "measure twice, cut once". i know aeration is not needed in a sw tank (from reading other threads
(educate before speaking), but i am wondering about watermovement. i have a fluval 304 that has a pretty good output on it just below surface level. could i just aim a powerhead from surface down towards the sand to send surface water to the bottom? wouldnt that stir up the nasties that live on the substrate?


I recently posted a similiar question. I was told that a good water movement should be 10 - 15 times per tank size. I hope I explained that correctly. (I.E. if you have a 50 gal tank, your total gph should be between 500- 750)


Active Member
You get aeration in a sw tank from water movement such as powerheads and also get a lot from protein skimmers. 10-15 times turn over rate is good like serg said. HTH:D