Affects of phosphates?


What are the detrimental affects of high phosphate levels on fish or overall water quality? I know they contribute to algae growth like nitrates, but i have also heard they can hurt fish. If this is true why aren't phosphates tested along with ammonia, nitrites, an nitrates?


I test phosphates, along w/ Ca and I need a few more tests like Iodine, Strontium and Magnesium just to be through. Had phos in my RO water and turn into a big algae bloom when it hit my PC lights
What a mess that was, 4 weeks of green h---. Now I test all water sources.


Originally Posted by hardcrab67
I test phosphates, along w/ Ca and I need a few more tests like Iodine, Strontium and Magnesium just to be through. Had phos in my RO water and turn into a big algae bloom when it hit my PC lights
What a mess that was, 4 weeks of green h---. Now I test all water sources.

That might be what happened to me. I used my RO/DI water to fill my 55 and when I turned on my T-5 lights the hair algae emerged. Its a week later and the hair algae is taking over.... How did u solve your phosphates problem???


I did a 25% water change every 3 days for 2 weeks, along w/ the phosphate sponge and a 1micron filter pad in the sump, changing that every 5 days and finally my water cleared up. I am buying RO/DI water from my LFS and after almost a year have tried to set-up my RO/DI unit again yesterday. This time to a direct waterline in my pump house(more pressure). The phos test shows .5ppm and that is the same as my LFS water. So I'm gonna try again and use the phos sponge in the sump and get away from buying water.
I have never had hair algae, When I say algae bloom, I mean I had green water, pea soup green! Luckly the only casualty I had was my red open brain, he started showing his ectoskeleton and never recover, but my green open brain never showed any stress


Originally Posted by hardcrab67
I did a 25% water change every 3 days for 2 weeks, along w/ the phosphate sponge and a 1micron filter pad in the sump, changing that every 5 days and finally my water cleared up. I am buying RO/DI water from my LFS and after almost a year have tried to set-up my RO/DI unit again yesterday. This time to a direct waterline in my pump house(more pressure). The phos test shows .5ppm and that is the same as my LFS water. So I'm gonna try again and use the phos sponge in the sump and get away from buying water.
Thanx, since I am running a tank w/out a sump, do u think it would be better to put the phosphate sponge in the buckets of RO water or in the actual display tank???
Also, was your algae outbreak while using tap water or RO water???


I've never used Tap water on my salt tank, I've had FW fish for 20yrs and always treated the water w/ some kind of chlorine remover, but when I got into Discus(FW) I tried the cheap one you hook to your faucet, Phosphates were still high. Never a problem for algae because you don't have intense light like you do on the reef tank. Though it may be why they ate their eggs a few days after they were laid. So I bought the RO/DI when I set up my 55 reef. Deleted the pic, wished I'd saved it now for dicussion, but made me sick to look at my tank in that state.


Originally Posted by hardcrab67
You put it in a mesh bag and place it wherever you can get flow threw it, not just around it
Thanks, by the way was your algae outbreak also hair algae??

payton 350

i believe phosphates also lower the calcium level.....they have some kind of interaction between the two.....but don't quote me on that


Originally Posted by Payton 350
i believe phosphates also lower the calcium level.....they have some kind of interaction between the two.....but don't quote me on that
Well here are all of my levels, so if any of them sound off, please somebody let me know..
phosphates-between .25-.5


Read an article today about checking what goes in your tank. Made me take a look at everything again. Didn't realize flake food was low phosphorus, not phosphorus free. I think I'm going to quit feeding that all together. Usually just as a treat 2-3 times a week, but its probally a contributor to my rise in readings.


Active Member
Also, if you feed frozen food always rinse the food before giving to your fish. The gel that is used to bind the food in cube form is full of phosphates. If you also put any supplements in the food, thaw, rinse, then add the supplements. You would be suprised on the amount of phosphates are in a cube of food!!
Phosphates don't harm fish unless it is off the charts. Coral on the other hand, cannot tolerate them.