African Cichlid tanks


who's got them? What size? And what's it stocked with?
I've got a 30 gallon for one electric yellow cichlid named Megatron. He's a ruthless killer and cannibal! I cannot keep tank mates with him because he kills them and then eats them.
I must have at least 60lbs of rock and 40lbs of gravel in there too, but he claims everything as his!
Other than his tank temper, he's an awesome fish. Loves to eat, and always lets me know when he's hungry by freaking out at the closest spot in the tank towards me.


I have a 46G with 2 1/2 cichlids...LOL...1 LARGE MEAN ORANGE one, 1 yellow and black one, and a blue. The blue apparently was born, and was smart enough to hide and not get is about 1 1/2"
The orange and yellow are 5-6"
I also have a 16G with 3 in it...2 large blues, and 1 medium orange...I tried to put one of the blues in the 46G...and they tore it I had to put it back in the 16G.


We have had 2 african tanks. We had a 10 for the tiny ones and a 55 set up with mature 6-8" cichlids. The biggest trick with them is purposely overcrowding the tank and constantly changing up the aquascape so the fish dont become territorial as well as trying to keep the fish around the same size. As soon as they find that one is smaller or weaker it will become a meal. We found that the larger the fisn are, the more calm they seem to be. If you can find a decent shop that stocks more than your average pet store there are some really interesting ones. We had a pretty hard to find Frontosa Cichlid that was around 8 inches. Unfortunately for us we ended up losing every fish and now have one 8" Red Devil in the 55. Not african but a beautiful fish, cant keep him with anything though. Planning on adding anymore to your 30g?


Well-Known Member

I had a african cichlid tank...I hate it. All I wanted a colorful fish for my freshwater tank. I could only keep ciclids because they were so mean nothing else could be with them..well it turned out other ciclids couldn't get along either. They killed each other off till only one remained.
No doubt this is the reason I hate damsels, they behave just like those evil fish.


Active Member
I have a 20g african tank. 5 cichlids in it(yes I know its over stocked, but its been up for 2 or 3 years now)
I have a yellow lab, cynoafracobue, some sort of peacock(blue head/ fins yellow body), a blue one with black lined going horizontally down its body, and a black one with yellow lines going horivontally down its body.
a red tail shark
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Bad pics it was taken with a cellphone.
