African Grey Parrots?


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Wow, how mature of you.
Still another expample of how some people get away with name calling.


Active Member

Originally Posted by skyman
Still another expample of how some people get away with name calling.

Skyman lets go through your post and highlight what has broken the rules of the forum.
My best friend has one. They talk all the time and will pick up any noise they hear not just words. The Microwave chime, popcorn popping, cell phone ringers and Oh yea my friend had a few lizards and they feed them crickets so the bird picked up on the chirp that crickets make and let me tell you how annoying it is to here that all night long. So one time he went on vacation for two weeks and I thought of this great idea. Put midget ----
in the vcr and play it after about two hours the African Grey started to sound like a ---- star
My friend was pissed
it took over two years for that bird to stop moaning like a ---- star

I mean seriously, this is a great place to be and there is alot of good info here. Just make better use of your time rather than trying to start an argument in every thread you goto and then act as the victim. And I say this to you not to be rude, but to make sure that your here chatting with us tomorrow. Im sure you have alot of knowledge in Saltwater Aquariums and we would all like you to share that knowledge with us. There is no need to make an issue out of everything. We dont know you which would be awfully unrealistic for people to be against you. Enjoy the forums.


Active Member
Originally Posted by skyman
Still another expample of how some people get away with name calling.
seriously dude get a life!!! there's something wrong with you if you think she called you a name....and grow up the ---- story was not funny!


Originally Posted by tnt
OK, I know I'm hijacking but... CJML, does your nanday talk at all? I haven't tried teaching ours yet, but I've thought about it. Also, is his beak overgrown or is it just the pic? I've never had that problem with any of my birds, just wondering what you do about it. Our nanday doesn't like to file his beak on anything but his perch. Here's Bogie.
Also, martinc909, just remember that a grey will be much louder, messier, and require more expensive care than any of your previous birds. But I've met quite a few awesome greys. They seem so smart.
Yes -that was an old picture-he had it trimmed at the vet - he grows a longer thin part on his beak-and has to have it trimmed every couple of months - the vet says its from only eating just seeds when he was younger - they get into trouble with their liver from too much fat- we have tried to change his diet to less seed and more fruit but he loves his seeds. Your bird is identical to mine! And no he does not talk too much-he loves to squak- but he will say a few words - he has his own language which we understand as "words" but no one else can!


Originally Posted by cjml
Yes -that was an old picture-he had it trimmed at the vet - he grows a longer thin part on his beak-and has to have it trimmed every couple of months - the vet says its from only eating just seeds when he was younger - they get into trouble with their liver from too much fat- we have tried to change his diet to less seed and more fruit but he loves his seeds. Your bird is identical to mine! And no he does not talk too much-he loves to squak- but he will say a few words - he has his own language which we understand as "words" but no one else can!
Have you tried Zupreem natural pellets? Bogie only ate sunflower seeds when we got him. Those pellets were the only ones he liked. Now he'll eat just about any food-except carrots. I did notice that his beak has grown longer since that picture was taken. I will definitely keep an eye on it.