after 3 pics of my 55


Yea, see how good all those frags are doing?....thanks again vince.....chris P.S. let me know if you wanna get together and check out some of the places around here.


Looks real those pics are awesome...You you must be an expert photographer....can I pay you to come take pics of my tank?


Sure..I'll take some pics for ya......The secret is making sure the room is dark, no reflection on the tank...Which I still didn't get done..but, also use a tri-pod or stool or something that keeps the camera perfectly still. oh yea, get a good camera..I like Sonys


Member you have a sony? man did you go to school for seem to know much do you charge ?


but no..never went to school for it...When you take a pic on a digital...Bring it up on your computer...look at it...what do you like about it?..What do you dislike about it?.what would you change??
Go from there...Reflections can kill tank pics. Just try and elimante those.Yea, I really like the sonys...your going to spend some money..I would say $400-$500 bucks on a used one and you can get a pretty nice camera...Also use the fine adjustment on the will really pic up all those little details your looking for..
Hope this helps...Chris


but no..never went to school for it...When you take a pic on a digital...Bring it up on your computer...look at it...what do you like about it?..What do you dislike about it?.what would you change??
Go from there...Reflections can kill tank pics. Just try and elimante those.Yea, I really like the sonys...your going to spend some money..I would say $400-$500 bucks on a used one and you can get a pretty nice camera...Also use the fine adjustment on the will really pic up all those little details your looking for..
Hope this helps...Chris
U sure you didn't go to school....can u give me private lessons? I have some nice photographs I would like to share if u dare...
we can drink some wine and laugh know just good ole times between the boys if u catch my drift....I really really want to learn...I can pose for you if u like for practice...what do u say?