After a couple months, here's the tank


Active Member
nothing really. i would like to see a close up of the tank personally. the fish look active Id like to see close up of them as well.


White Haitian Anemone

Purple Tip Haitian

Flame Angelfish with Skuttles, my big Hermit Crab

In this one is a Coco Feather Duster, True Percula Clown, Lawnmower Blenny and Cleaner Shrimp

Here's a better pic of the blenny

Here's the True Perc. making friends with the white Haitian

Here's a polyp coral I picked up from our lfs. They told me what it was, but I forgot to write it down. Can you guys help me out with this one?

Here's the right side of the tank

The left side with my Black Saddleback

And a very blury fts, couldn't get a better one


thank you. I'm currently piecing together a fuge of some sort...still a lot of research to be done, plus the tank is by far not done
Decided to post whore a bit and show you guys what I'm working on



i like the desing man. Might do that myself to osomeday (long way in the future, I can hardly afford my 10 gallon right now).


Active Member
your "polyp coral" is looking like a gorgonian. they usually grow vertical. some are photosynthetic, some are not. yours looks similar to mine, which is photosynthetic, but also requires phytoplankton.