After a tank move??


Active Member
Well I finally got my 220g moved in, 40g out of my old system, and fully cycled/cured live rock in. Now for the question...
Will there be much of a cycle or will there just be a week or two fluctuation? The bacteria in my old water and rock should quickly replenish and start working right? What should I expect?
I Want to add my fish!!!


the aged water helps.
However its the filter that needs to cycle not the water so you will have some cycle. the length will depend on how much cured live rock/ live sand you have.


Active Member
Well I have about 400lbs of live rock that was in 3 large trash cans for about 3 months cycling and curing. I also added about 120lbs of dry fine sand about 4 days ago that will need some bacteria build up etc. I don't see why there would be much of a spike in ammonia or anything, but wanted to see what you guys thought...