After Ick


New Member
Ive had my live rock in qt for 79 days.The sal in my dt had been back to 1.025 for close to 3 weeks with no Ick present on the fish.I was thinking of waiting to the first weekend in April to re-introduce the live rock back into the display will this be enough time to have cycled all the ick out of the live rock?
Thanks for all your help in advance.


If a persons dt is fishless for 6 weeks, the ich parasite will have run it's course and died out. Being that your lr has been away from any fish for this long a period of time, your should be just fine putting your rock back in. You've waited long enough.


Originally Posted by saltagain
Ive had my live rock in qt for 79 days.The sal in my dt had been back to 1.025 for close to 3 weeks with no Ick present on the fish.I was thinking of waiting to the first weekend in April to re-introduce the live rock back into the display will this be enough time to have cycled all the ick out of the live rock?
Thanks for all your help in advance.
Yep, the rock is fine to add back in as long as no fish were in with it during that time.


New Member
Thank you very much for your reponce.Im going to go ahead and put make tank back togather this weekend then,and never add anything again before its been quarantined.what a newb mistake.

eric b 125

a lot of us have made the same mistake. i'm in the process of hypo right now because i didnt qt.


New Member
As a newb to saltwater I made the mistake of not having a QT tank! So now have ick on my 2 clows and 1 neon gobi. I put them in a QT this afternoon and plan on doing the hypo do I also do the copper treatment as well?
I have no live rock and only 1 cup of live sand in my QT.
Any input would be helpful!!