AGA Tank


I am about to buy a 90 Gallon AGA tank which is pre-drilled and reef ready from a LFS.
The holes are drilled but there is a sticker stating tempered glass do not drill, on the bottom. I called AGA and they told me they drill their tanks before they temper the glass and not to drill any other holes on the bottom.
Has anyone bought these AGA tanks where they temper the glass after the fact, and have they leaked or cracked? Is $196 a good price for this size tank pre-drilled w/Mega Flow?
Is the Mega Flow a quiet system and I hear since they moved the overflow from the corner to half way between the corner and center that they've added dead spots. The facts on the overflow state, of course, that its an improved system then the corner overflow.
Any thoughts appreciated


Active Member
There are 1000's of AGA tanks set up all over the world with tempered & drilled bottom panes (drilled prior to being tempered). As long as the drilling was completed before the glass was drilled, that is nothing to worry about.
$196 is a pretty darn good price for a 90g Megaflow, though you'll still need the Megaflow kit at $50, or put it together yourself (bulkheads & PVC at about $15-$20).
I've never used a tank with a Megaflow overflow, so I can't provide any experience with flow in a tank with a Megaflow. But if any deadspots exist a powerhead or closed loop system can easily be added to make up for the dead spot.


just bought the same tank only in 75, I like the offset overflow better than the corner, I bought the mega over flow kit, works fine, the airhole in the top of the standpipe needs to be drilled out a little for quieter opertion and improved flow. I used both holes as drains and have no problem with both keeping up with my mag24 pump.


Originally Posted by jttenpro
I was going to add a mag 7 for the return pump. Would it be quiet enough w/that size pump.
I would put 'rate of flow' as more important to 'how quiet'. You can do things to quiet down your overflow but if the overall flow is not sufficient then your not doing the tank any favors. Also take into account head pressure (distance that your pumping and number of turns the plumbing is taking), it seriously cuts down the flow rate. I figure I'm getting about 1000-1200 gph out of my 2400 gph pump because I'm working on 9 feet of pump back height. Thus i've added 900 gph closed loop current switching into the tank also.
Hope this helps


Active Member
I think you should be fine with the AGA tank that is already drilled since it was done by AGA. Not a bad price at that......My friend who has a store in Carlisle Pa uses nothing but AGA tanks and they really look good. He wasn't pleased with the MegaFlows when he replaced his 3 big display tanks. He didn't like their setup and along with some leakage, but AGA was good about it and replaced all 3 tanks with no problems and he was even able to replace the MegaFlows with their original design style with the overflows in the corners.... This style is still available, but has to be requested though


I have a 120 reef ready tank and it has two overflows. Before this tank I had a 72 bowfront reef ready tank with the old overflow setup. The 72 BF was much louder than the new mega flow setup. I have a Mag 9.5 with a SWCD for each return. I'm real happy with how it turned out. Lots of alternating currents.