AGAIN anemne help pics inside


Ok here is the link then go to documents there are 4 photos in there 2 are how it is now and 1 before so you can see the tenacles. Then the last one is a full tank pic, you can see how big this anenme is in that pic too. It is a bubble tip and i think its dieing witch is not good b/c then i would be out 90 bucks!! and only had it for about 2 weeks tops, and its only eaten one time. Help me on what is going on!! thanks
<a href="" target="_blank">pics here</a>


Are all of your water parameters correct? It looks like something in your water is having adverse effects on your anenome. I hope it pulls thru! How old is your tank?


After taking another look at your pics, I noticed all of your corals are suffering. Please run a full battery of tests and post the results here. Also give us a run down of your tank equipment, filters, lighting, etc... Be honest so we can help you save your friends in your reef.


Ok, last time i ran test everything was fine, according to the charts, i will run again and post.
Umm I have an ecofilter, mudfilter thing hands on the back of tank. Umm.. lighting is a powercomaq full spectral light then A blue light in the front. i cant think of names right now sorry.
I hope this helps a little. The LFS has the exact same setup i have and everything in his tank is fine!! I think i need a clean up crew, b/c i see all sedament on rocks and what not. Witch im ording one from this site tonight. Im going to my LFS now and bringing the pics along and asking them, i will post everything he says so you guys cancretuiq him.
My tank is about 1 1/2 years old. Im sorta new so i dont know if i should do a water change, or mud change in the ecosystem. Aslo i do add OH or RO water(i forget) to the tank when it needs so its always getting fresh water. Sorry im wooried about the anemne and the corals they are all starting to go to hell slowly. List anything i should look for while im gone quick plz.
Thanks for the help and plz keep helping. thanks


Done with water test and i think i found the problem but if i add buffer will it help the dieing anenme?
nitrates = 0.5 mg/l
Ammonia = 0 mg/l or very little
PH = 7.7
KH (hardness) is 5 drops
I think its the hardness, and my mom has never added the buffer once well one time then stoped. Could this be the problem? And how much to add to a 55reef at one time? and what should it be? and or anyother reasons for my tank looking like crap =) Also would a clean up crew be a nice thing for the tank? the 20-55gal one from here?


You definitely should perform a water change, 20% I'd say and do a 10% change every weekend after that. I've never heard of a mudfilter, so can't help out there. Your lights are OK, I use the same on my tank, but your PH is low!!! When lots of nutrients build-up, the PH will drop. Follow the directions on the buffer bottle and get your PH up to 8.2 in about a 3 day span. If you are new to reef keeping, I'd recommend a protein skimmer, one really helped me out. This will keep your nutrients down. I also suggest feeding small amounts of food every other day to lighten the waste loads. Change your filter cartridges atleast every month, but preferably every 3 weeks. You've got a great start on your tank and some beautiful liverock, but you are failing where most beginners do (like myself), you need to keep up with the routine (boring) chores. If you keep your tank clean, you'll corals will reward you! Your anenome moved because it was unhappy and hopefully it will hang on long enough to enjoy a nice clean tank. Good luck and keep us posted with your progress. I'll try to help you anyway I can.


well thanks for the help guys ill make sure to get some stuff and im ordering a clean up crew tommarow. And it is offical the anenme as bit the dust!! oh yea its shedding. And im out 90 bones pisses me off!! but what can you do. Well i could try mouth to mouth, but umm yea. Well again thanks for everything. And again on the protein skimmer i was told that i dont need one with the mudfilter system, by people on here and by my LFS owner. But i might pick up a cheap one just to get ride of some waste. Also the water change i have a question about that. When the water evaporates i add new water that is not tap i think its RO water. So doesnt that count as a water change sorta? And i will porbly endup doing a 20% change here soon or 2 10% like a 10% one week and a 10% the next week. Again thanks and say your prairs for my 90 dollar anemne that has bit the dust on the great day, let us pray.


Topping off your tank doesn't count as a water change because only the water evaporates, not the waste. Like I said, I'm not familiar with a mudfilter, so don't know if it replaces a skimmer or not. The nice thing about a skimmer is the fact you don't have to replace anything and only empty the cup once a week or so. Sorry to hear about the anenome. This is just another example of why we shouldn't keep them in captivity until we are extremely good at maintaining excellent water quality. I also suggest doing the 20% water change, if not 30% so you can dillute the waste in the water as much as possible. I know people will freak when they read this, but I've done a 50% change in an emergency once. If you only do a 10% change, the clean water will become polluted very quickly and you will never really make much of a difference. Change as much water as you can afford to the first week, then maintain weekly 10% changes until your corals are looking great. After that, you can slow down to everyother week or every 3 weeks.


sounds good.. but the funny thing is my water was good untile i put that anenme in there. I have anouther long ten under a rock you cant see in the pic not near as big but is doing great. Oh well i think tommarow ill have to visit the LFS and get me a few things to fix my tank and make it pritty again =) again thanks. also any good ways to make coral stay on a rock? I only have had the one big spegiti coral attactch to anouther rock the rest just like to chill. And sometimes my snail will kock them off =( i guess ill just have to replace the LR with new LR with corals on them, darn =P.