Again, lion will not eat....


OK, I'm not new to this, but have run out of options.
I purchased a v lion about 6 weeks ago, (from here), and he will not take krill. tried the stick thing, tried the garlic thing, water paramaters in check, everybody else is good, and well starving....6 weeks so far. Any idea's o wise ones?????


waters in check, 0 amonia, 0 nitrites, 15 on the nitrate, 440 on the calcium, ect ect ect........ water changes are done all the time (ro di with the ageing 24hours) he is not being harrased, color is ok, and he is starting to get skinny.
As for feeding him live, I will let him starve himself to death before I do that. (much less feed him a saltwater fish).
Clown, puffer, tang, angel, purple thing, ect all doing fine.
It's just this lion that is a problem.


Ghost shrimp are not avail in the area...I looked. I do have a qt if needed.
Live feeders are not good. even when suplimented. This is not my first lion.....


Active Member
As Terry said, you have to establish the feeding behavior, the lion isn't recognizing the fact that you're trying to feed him. Mine is so tuned in to the fact that I bring food that when I put an antibiotic tablet in the tank to treat him, he sucked it in his mouth, paused, and spit it out.:rolleyes:
Once you train them to realize you are feeding them, as you can see they'll eat anything.
My lion doesn't like the feeding stick method, at first he'd only take them if I dropped a piece of krill near the powerhead so it moved a lot.


you would rather let a lion starve to death than feed him guppies??? there are many sides of this argument, but i'm only going to go with conservation... guppies reproduce like mad in a *poorly* kept aquarium.. lions on the other hand... if you can post a thread on breeding lions i would love to look that over... i've actually heard of lions not eating for longer periods of time, but the thing is they never started eating again... you either need some live food ASAP or take the lion to the lfs or give it to a responsible owner .. sorry


If your lion is still living(i hope:) )Then just take a little piece of squid or silver side and just leave it there by its mouth.Trust me he will eat it!Even if it takes you a day.
put some food soaked in garlic and zoecon on a string and make it "swim" this should help to get the lion's attention.......make sure that the food comes off easily though or you may catch him