Again ? with Brain and Leather


I was asking about these two new corals last night...I took pics to see if they would help identify if they look normal for adjusting. The brain I have had since sunday, and the leather I got yesterday.
Thanks, Heather



your brain coral looks like hes dieing
i say this because of the white parts in on the top of him in the picture
your finger jus looks pissed off give em a couple of days and he should look better.


The brain is on his way out, he's got alot of receding tissue but the leather looks OK but hard to tell. What kind water flow do you have him in, the brain that is.


Active Member
Yup, your brain is in BAD shape. You cn see skeleton nearly all the way around. Not a good sign. Was it like this when you purchased it?
The second pic is a Devil's Hand leather. Hardy as heck. Give it a few days for polyp extension. they are usually slow to acclimate.


Originally Posted by poiboy
The brain is on his way out, he's got alot of receding tissue but the leather looks OK but hard to tell. What kind water flow do you have him in, the brain that is.
Well right now the brain probably has low-medium flow...I moved it last night from on top of a rock to the bottom. It actually looks better now than yesterday, well atleast you can see the green now.


Originally Posted by KDFrosty
Yup, your brain is in BAD shape. You cn see skeleton nearly all the way around. Not a good sign. Was it like this when you purchased it?
The second pic is a Devil's Hand leather. Hardy as heck. Give it a few days for polyp extension. they are usually slow to acclimate.
It looked good for a couple days, just as in the store. But over the past 2-3 days its started looking as it does now. Also I noticed the last two nights my peppermint shrimp on it. I am not sure if they are harming it and that is why it looks like this.


Originally Posted by wanabebell
your brain coral looks like hes dieing
i say this because of the white parts in on the top of him in the picture
your finger jus looks pissed off give em a couple of days and he should look better.

The white part was what I was noticing too. Althought the tissue is still there it is deep inside.


OK so concensus is the brain is dying....anything I do to help it live??? It is getting light, light flow, does it need more flow? Should I move it back up higher for more light?
I really think the peppermint shrimp are doing something to it b/c every night they are on it and won't leave it alone. I have had it three different spots to get the right light/flow and they follow it around the tank.


Now I know the brain is dying...can't I try to save it? Can someone tell me what I can try to do?


Active Member
There's nothing you can do for it, other than make sure your water is clean and you put it in low flow, low to medium light.


Active Member
low/med flow preferably on the sandbed in direct light.
The fact that the peppermint shrimp are all over it tells me that it's dying and they're eating it up. Any healthy specimen would simply be ignored. They are a valuable part of teh cleanup crew.


Originally Posted by KDFrosty
low/med flow preferably on the sandbed in direct light.
The fact that the peppermint shrimp are all over it tells me that it's dying and they're eating it up. Any healthy specimen would simply be ignored. They are a valuable part of teh cleanup crew.

OK well I put in that type of place and wathched much of last night. I didn't see the peps come to it, likely because its near one of the fish that give them a hard time. It doesn't look worse this morning...not really much better either. Should I allow it to die in the tank? I am wondering if this could be harmful to other inhabitants.
Lesson learned: brains aren't my forte when it comes to corals.
Thanks everyone for their help!!
BTW the leather is improving, I guess I was overreacting.


Originally Posted by wax32
There's nothing you can do for it, other than make sure your water is clean and you put it in low flow, low to medium light.

Thanks wax...I don't think I'm gonna try a hand at brains anymore.

Look forward to reading more of your posts, since they usually make me laugh, and then maybe I'll cheer up.


hey don't feel bad i had a plate coral for maybe just over a week and it is cooked now! im am pissed off! my fish and pinktip anenome is fine (spelling)..ggggrrrrr i wont buy a plate coral again!


I Bought A Brain From The Lfs, And Within Days He Started Pulling Away From His Skeleton And Dying (turning White). I Immediatley Starting Feeding Him Heavy With Phyto For A Week And Then Went Back To Regular Feeding S And He Has Made It Through And Is Actually Regenerating Some Of The Dead Tissue. If Your Brain Is Not To Far Gone You May Want To Try And Save Him.


You really need to have your CA level up to give those brain corals a fighting chance. I have bad luck with any SPS corals.