Aged Live Sand

Hello all, I have a guy who is gonna sell me a 40lb bag of CaribSea LiveSand (with new ooliteor something)for 50.00. He has had it unopened for 4 months. Weird Question. But does it go bad if not opened?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jayking232003
Hello all, I have a guy who is gonna sell me a 40lb bag of CaribSea LiveSand (with new ooliteor something)for 50.00. He has had it unopened for 4 months. Weird Question. But does it go bad if not opened?
$50 is a major rip off.Get some basic dead sand,go to LFS or another ask a SW tank owner for a handful of of their sand.

bang guy

Originally Posted by jayking232003
Hello all, I have a guy who is gonna sell me a 40lb bag of CaribSea LiveSand (with new ooliteor something)for 50.00. He has had it unopened for 4 months. Weird Question. But does it go bad if not opened?
CaribSea LiveSand is some water, some sand, and some bacteria cysts. It's not live sand.
Since it's not live sand it won't go bad for years.
ok, well.... I already got it. I'm not sure its a rip off, but it may have only saved me 15 or 20 bucks. But now check this out! I just looked it up on the website. I got the Ocean Direct Oolite. It says not to use in a berlin or plenum system. Will this hurt? Has anyone used this before?


bang guy

Hi, we can't post links here.
That said, Ocean Direct Oolite is very, very good sand.
No all you need is some real live sand and you're all set for a sand bed.
ok, can you explain to me adding the handful of live sand to the aquarium or point me in a direction to a thread? I looked for a bit, but haven't really found to much about it. I didn't do it to my other tank.


Active Member
The handful of sand is to seed the nonlive sand with beneficial bacteria, anthropods, etc. Then, they multiply and it becomes live over time. Same thing with live and nonlive rocks. You can get a bunch of base rock and some smaller live rock and "seed'' your live rock. This a cheaper and more cost effective way of doing it although it does take longer. The sand you bought is not really live. And yes, unfortunately that was too much. My LFS sells it for about 45.00. It's okay. Live and learn.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jayking232003
ok, can you explain to me adding the handful of live sand to the aquarium or point me in a direction to a thread? I looked for a bit, but haven't really found to much about it. I didn't do it to my other tank.
You adding bacteria that is beneficial to the health of your tank .What you are doing is "Seeding" the other lifeless sand so the beneficial bacteria will grow into/on it.
ok, so If I take a handful of the sand in my 37 gallon and put it in this one, that should do the trick right? But wait. I never added anything to the other sand. just liverock!