aggghhhhh CRASH!!!!!!!!


New Member
After 5 years having major crash this am. question are fish more temp sensitive than corals? I have never had to worry about over temp till now....... and this am tank at 86 and all fish are majorly stressed. 4 year old clown a gonner and thus ammonia shot up. once again are corals as temp sensitive? because they all look okay. all other levels look good except ammonia creeping? Thanks for the answers in advance...........Darn it anyway......

bang guy

86 is fine for most reef fish. The problem comes with fluctuation. If the temp quickly went from say 78 up to 86 then that will mess with enzymes and will severly stress a fish.
Sorry for your loss.


86 degrees though high isn't the worst temp I've seen, I would be worried about oxygen and your water paramiters at this point. Can you list them?
Yes corals can be more sensitive to temp changes than fish, all depends on what your keeping.


New Member
I live in washington state and my temp is normally about 79. Im beginning to wonder if the clown died at night and the amonnia is doing the other fish in. The two yellow tangs are now laying on the bottom of the qt tank and dont look like they will pull out of it. the only param not where my nor is is the ammonia. I am still search for my by color blennie and pygmy angel. Man I hate tearing down my tank it was really looking good. I havent lost anything for years this is a shock but thanks for the input.


New Member
By the way all my corals look okay at this point time will tell I suppose just how much I will have to replace......


Sorry for the loss. I agree with Bang 86 isn't great but not a killer temp either. A fast and large fluctuation can cause major problems for fish, however I have never seen one die immediately because of it either they get sick and perish but in time, with in 24 hrs possible, and you would have seen it coming time to try a quarintine attempt. Are you sure something else hasn't happened


New Member
I do have a pink/blk cuke. he has been in the tank for 4 years and still appears very healthy. I am affraid all the fish are now in fish heaven. all the hermits and corals appear fine. My bubble and plate corals have not extended all day. I have done about 40% water change today to bring the temp back to 79 and lower ammonia level. all the fish went into the qt tank but im affraid it was too late. Man this sucks.... I guess ive been lucky until now. I begining to wonder about the oxygen level I have put in a airstone just in case to strange seems like no warning at all.

bang guy

Your problems have all the markings of cuke nuke. The Pink/Black Cukes are known for killing tanks. Their toxin only affects vertebrates. I believe someone attacked your cuke and it reacted, killing all the fish.


New Member
i would never have expected that but it does sound likely now. is there any slime or anything visible I could look for?


New Member
:) Man now what should I do with this critter? Cant have him killing everything with no punishment. Cant put him in the qt tank or should I ;)


Active Member
Maybe at least take him in to the LFS for a store credit? Sorry to hear about your tank. Good luck in getting it back up again.


New Member
Well Bang appears to be correct which is totally amazing with the limited info I gave. The tank is absolutely perfect this am sans all fish. :( Thanks bang because I probably would have totalled the tank trying figure it out... I was beginging to think someone had put something in the tank. My two year old nephew thinks he should be able to swim in it tee hee hee

bang guy

My opinion is a big water change and run GAC 24 hours (then toss it!!) and then you should be ready for fish again.