
I am a new hobbyist and i have been reading almmost every post and i learned so much and found out many intresting things about fish life and owning your own tank i have 60 gallon glass tank all aggresive fish and i want to go bigger im thinking a 180 gallon glass tank.
my fish are
lion fish
niger trigger
bursa trigger
blue-line trigger
undulated trigger
oyster toad fish
porcupine puffer
they are pretty much all juvi's still. the triggers and lion fish grow pretty fast so i am getting the bigger tank in a couple months does anyone have any suggestions?
i have a Xp3 Rena filter right now and 2 powerheads a protien skimmer and heater everything runs great i havent really had any big problems yet ive had the tank up for about 2 months and all the fish in for about a month except for the blue line i just got him yesterday
i have only done 1 water change so far and i test my water frequently it is great
here are some pics there only from my phone i dont have my camera hooked up yet but there not bad
oyster toadfish

porcuppine puffer

niger trigger

my lion fish second day swallowing one of my damsels took him an hour to swallow him


Blue Line

sorry the pictures are so small there just from my phone but i will post new ones a soon as i can
Should i look into a getting a sump for a 180 or 200 gallon tank? or will it be fine to use 2 Xp3 filters?
and were would i look to hook up a sump i have no idea how it works

please comment or give any suggestions are very appreciated


here is a tank hard to see still using my phone camera
water is a little cloudy i just moved my live rock around


Active Member
Thats alot for a 60 those triggers are going to kill everything and Im going for the undy. Please remove them. Or you will have troubles.


Active Member
I see that you want to upgrade to a 180. This still wouldnt be enough for these triggers. And I know that the Blue line and Undy will kill anything. I had one myself.


Active Member
Your tank is terribly overstocked. More research would tell you this. You have many incompatable fish in a relatively small tank. THe toad fish is the only one that would live comfortably for the long haul. The lion will grow to a 10 inch fish in about a year if the triggers don't kill it first. Even a 180 would not house all of those fish w/o problems. Please do some more research and ask questions prior to making purchases. If your fish store told you it was okay to keep all of these fish in a 60, find another place to shop.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Thats alot for a 60 those triggers are going to kill everything and Im going for the undy. Please remove them. Or you will have troubles.

well all my triggers get along no body fights at all the only thing that got messed with was my damsel that got eaten by my lion
i was going to get a clown trigger but then i think it would have been crazy in my tank but right now all my triggers are just about the exact same size and all of them get along awesomly


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGGer29
well all my triggers get along no body fights at all the only thing that got messed with was my damsel that got eaten by my lion
i was going to get a clown trigger but then i think it would have been crazy in my tank but right now all my triggers are just about the exact same size and all of them get along awesomly
Think ahead. Juvenile fish often don't have the same traits as their adult counterparts. The triggers you have are all potentially aggressive, and you're not even taking into consideration the sizes they will attain. How do you expect to keep several 10 inch fish in a 60 gallon tank. It can't be done responsibly. Thin out the herd or be prepared for several dead fish.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Your tank is terribly overstocked. More research would tell you this. You have many incompatable fish in a relatively small tank. THe toad fish is the only one that would live comfortably for the long haul. The lion will grow to a 10 inch fish in about a year if the triggers don't kill it first. Even a 180 would not house all of those fish w/o problems. Please do some more research and ask questions prior to making purchases. If your fish store told you it was okay to keep all of these fish in a 60, find another place to shop.

well my store said it might be bad but since all of them are relativley small and im going to upgrade in a couple months that it would be fine and everything as gone great suprisingly my undulated trigger is the pussy in the tankk lol
everyone gets along just fine
so you think maybe getting 2 tanks would be a smarter idea??
i was thinking about that also maybe 2 180 gallon tanks or a 180 and a 100 cube glass tank but do you think either of these require a sump????

ric maniac

Active Member
no, even dividing this bioload in half wont be enough. its very irresponsible and cruel to the fish.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Think ahead. Juvenile fish often don't have the same traits as their adult counterparts. The triggers you have are all potentially aggressive, and you're not even taking into consideration the sizes they will attain. How do you expect to keep several 10 inch fish in a 60 gallon tank. It can't be done responsibly. Thin out the herd or be prepared for several dead fish.

no i thought about the size that the fish will grow before i bought all of them i know when most of them become adults then there very aggresive thats why im getting new tank or tanks before they even get close to becoming adults i know many people with tanks from 120 gallons to 160 gallns with a lionfish diffrent kinds of puffers and a good 5 triggers its not as bad as you think it might be


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGGer29
no i thought about the size that the fish will grow before i bought all of them i know when most of them become adults then there very aggresive thats why im getting new tank or tanks before they even get close to becoming adults i know many people with tanks from 120 gallons to 160 gallns with a lionfish diffrent kinds of puffers and a good 5 triggers its not as bad as you think it might be
In your first post in this thread, you say you are a new hobbyist. This is evident. What's frustrating is when a new, inexperienced hobbyist comes on board with a potentially bad set up, is given good advice and then becomes defensive. It's your tank. Do what ever you like. Even your lfs advised against your plan.
Please don't tell me "it's not as bad as I think it might be." Having been in the hobby for over 10 years and having kept lions, puffs and triggers. I know how "bad" it can get. Good luck with your tank.


Originally Posted by nicetry
In your first post in this thread, you say you are a new hobbyist. This is evident. What's frustrating is when a new, inexperienced hobbyist comes on board with a potentially bad set up, is given good advice and then becomes defensive. It's your tank. Do what ever you like. Even your lfs advised against your plan.
Please don't tell me "it's not as bad as I think it might be." Having been in the hobby for over 10 years and having kept lions, puffs and triggers. I know how "bad" it can get. Good luck with your tank.

well that is true all i know is from other peoples experiences and advice this is my first tank and i researched and know about all my fish and know what i have to do and what im palnning on doing i would just like some advice on which tank size or sizes and if sumps are neccesary? and if so how would i go about it? i know about triggers and how aggresive they get and about my puffer and lion fish thats why i am puting in a new tank or tanks in thats what im asking advice about i know if i keep my tank there will be a disaster


It may seem like everone is being a little hard on you, but they are just speaking from good and bad experiences...and you are playing with fire. Your Undulate may be shy now, but he didn't get his reputation as the meanest trigger around by accident. Blue Lines are not much better. The rest of the tank should be a pretty good "aggressive" community as long as they end up in a bigger tank. Good the way read below what my lfs says on their website about the Undy.
Undulated Trigger Fish
Due to the hateful attitude of this beautiful trigger we do not import them. They often hide in a cave in the aquarium waiting for the unknowing aquarist to turn off the lights. Out they come to kill and conquer their tank mates! Beware!

ric maniac

Active Member
first off, i think you need to aquire a bigger tank before you start making a sump and stuff like that. sorry if i sounded rude in my earlier post, i didnt mean it that way. and i would suggest getting rid of the two triggers and getting a picasso trigger or another more peacefull trigger. i think a 300g would be your best bet. then once you have the 300g get a sump, a fuge and a canister filter.( people will say a canister filter is a nitrate trap, but if you clean it, that shouldnt be a problem.)