aggresive 75?



first of all, all those links will be removed. they are competitors of this site, and it is illegal to post the links to them.
all of those links are to places that sell volitan lions. of course their recommendations for tank size would be on the low side. a few of them recommend at least a 30gallon tank for a volitan...come on. also, when a web site lists a minimum tank size, it is for the size of fish when it's shipped. this doesn't account for an adult.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cars&sharks
im just going off of what ive read and what ive been told for 7 years. if you believe different than go get into marine biology and write a couple books to further inform myself and other hobbyist.
OK, and I am going off of first hand experience, not the recommendations of a website whose primary goal is to sell you a fish.


Active Member
Lets just get the minimum tank size issue clarified here...the minimum tank size that they recommend is for when the fish is delivered from the store. It is in NO way the minimum size for the fish in the long run.
They say that queen angels require a minimum of 100g. That is not correct when the queen is 15-18".
Therefore, you can place any fish in a 30g tank for a short period of time (say 6-8 weeks for QT). This is in NO WAY a long term solution or home for the fish.
A volitan will get to the size of a basketball. Would a basketball fit in an 18" deep tank????
I guess that people will never understand that all the LFS' and online stores are around to make a dollar. If they told everyone that wanted a fish that they needed a 100g+ tank they would have a severly limited consumer base.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cars&sharks
im just going off of what ive read and what ive been told for 7 years. if you believe different than go get into marine biology and write a couple books to further inform myself and other hobbyist.
cars&sharks competitors links are not allowed on the forums . surely you have seen this being discused before . The terms of service state that very clearly . You might want to go back and look them over before you continue to violate them any more . Two strikes in two days is sure to get you on the badside of the mods/administration .


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
cars&sharks competitors links are not allowed on the forums . surely you have seen this being discused before . The terms of service state that very clearly . You might want to go back and look them over before you continue to violate them any more . Two strikes in two days is sure to get you on the badside of the mods/administration .
didn't know it was an issue. i dont exactly apologize because all i was doing is prooving my point, not advising people shop else the way i was kicked off this site about 3-4 years ago, so its not a first buddy.
Two strikes in two days is sure to get you on the badside of the mods/administration
acctually it was 3...but the second time i was acctually standing up for swf, but i guess they didn't like that either, or maybe they did considering i never got a warning. as far as oficial warnings, its been 1.


Originally Posted by cars&sharks
90% of volitans get to 12''-13''...if there isn't a lot of rockwork in the tank you will be fine. im going off of recomendations from scott michael. unless your planning on spending 2-300$ on a lionfish ie african black, a 75 is a perfect tank size.
i would have to disagree that a 75 gallon tank is a "perfect" size for a volitan lion


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
75 is way to big for a mantis tank . You would loose a mantis in that big of a tank . A tank half that size is more suited for a mantis tank .
Crash I think you are the first person here I have seen to say a tank is too large you are a true renegade my friend


Thank you for all your posts. I have decided to make this tank a small predator tank consisting of:
flame angel
maroon clown
some black and white cardinals
Dwarf puffer
Dwarf lion
Raccoon butterfly
Any suggestions are appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
THat is a wonderful list! I love your choices...

Agreed, except for the Damsel, do away with him, they can get horribly territorial, and are tough to get out....And they never die!!!


thanks cc! I already have the damsel and he is huge. Also, suprisingly he is not that aggresive.


Active Member
Just wait for the aggression. I started off with 3 damsels. 2 blue devils and a 3 stripe.
All three were like evil little trolls. My emperor and powder blue got their buts kicked by them.