aggresive powder brown tang


New Member
ive had a powder brown tang in my 125 gal. for approx. 2 weeks and just added a smaller niger trigger. The tang is super aggresive towards the trigger. pushing him and basically ASSAULTING him. The tang which is approx. 3 inchs doesn't bother the other fish, 1 clown 3 damsels . I read that they aren't that aggresive and that its the other way around trigger vs tang? any suggestions? :thinking:


Active Member
umm.. did u turn your lights off prior to the new addition??.. cuzz this helps a lot.. it give 'the new guy'' a change to find a home/safe place to go to when in distress..... if u dint... then turn the lights off now.. leave it off for the reat of the day.. and rearrange some of your decal stuff.... (this will give both a fresh new start in building territory... and hopefully each will pick there own and not fight..


New Member
thanks, I turned the lights off last night and today the tang isn't as agressive. I think the trigger is starting to hold his own . but he is still messing with him. I was thinking on purchasing a yellow tang who is around the same size so the light brown tang wouldn't be the " Big Kid " on the block and would leave the smaller fish alone. what do you think :notsure:


Active Member
I don't think triggers and tangs mix well.. Triggers are VERY aggressive, i've heard them biting the eyes off other fish...They are time bombs as well...One can be peaceful then like a pitbull go mad and kill everything in the tank it can..
IMO i'd only house triggers with other triggers or aggressive fish...


Active Member
heh.. that funny.. i always thougfht bowder brown and blue tangs where agressive fish.. u ever look towards the back fin??? see the little diamon like then.. (it's alittle elongated diamond like) well thats actually a 'scale' that evolved over time into a defensive weapon.. it's kinda like a spike.. tangs will do a 'slapping' motion with the back fin and slap other fish with it.. im not shure if it do or do not have poison in it.. but i think it do.. anyhow....
imo.. powder tangs= agressive..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
heh.. that funny.. i always thougfht bowder brown and blue tangs where agressive fish.. u ever look towards the back fin??? see the little diamon like then.. (it's alittle elongated diamond like) well thats actually a 'scale' that evolved over time into a defensive weapon.. it's kinda like a spike.. tangs will do a 'slapping' motion with the back fin and slap other fish with it.. im not shure if it do or do not have poison in it.. but i think it do.. anyhow....
imo.. powder tangs= agressive..
I'd have to disagree with you, as every tang has that spike. Like you said "defensive" not Offensive....
Agressive means that they activily attack and go after weaker fish. Which tangs in general do not.
Triggers on the other hand do activily hunt other fish as prey or just because they are in a bad mood.
Tangs = Passive unless with the same type of tang.
Triggers = Agressive against anything.


Active Member
ehh... guess u r right too.... even tho.. whipms can be mean sometimes... and once they know that have this 'power' they arnt wimps anymore...


I have just started over with my 100g tank I have a 2" yellow tang and a 2 " niger trigger. They seem to be doing well is the aggressivness come in right away or as time passes. Trigger was introduced first then tang.


New Member
ntrigger. i think my problem is that i had the tang in first with several small fish ie; clown and damsel. i then put the trigger in . the tang is double the size and thinks its the boss of the tank. it's funny because he doesn't realize he's a algea eater. i put some guppies in for the trigger last night and you should have seen the tang chase after them trying to eat them. i think once the trigger gets bigger he's going to be sorry he was picking on him. :mad: