aggresive psuedochromi


Does anyone out there have any psuedochromis? I have a bicolor and he seems to be getting more aggressive. When I first got him he just defended his little cave, now it seems he has claimed about 1/3 of my 55g as his own. I caught it today chasing around my skunk cleaners and my yellow watchman when it poked his head out of the pistol burrow.
Anyone else have this problem? If he gets much worse I think I may have to get rid of it.


Active Member
Trade it in for a royal gramma. I had a bi-color first, it terrorized everything, and afterwards I got the gramma. They look simmaler and my RG is just adorable and loves everyone. lol


I actually went to get a RG, but they didn't have any so I got the bicolor. I need to get a bigger net if I am going to have any chance at catching him. He's too quick.


Active Member
Sorry I can't offer much more info. If you really like it, can you put him in the fuge? My damsel was terrorizing my RG and I banished her to the sump until I get my 10 gallon frag tank set up. Otherwise she'll be in there. lol
My second SW horror story, when I netted her she jumped from the tank and onto the floor. I scooped her up and threw her in the sump, didn't see her for days and was worried I lost her. Turns out she was just giving me the silent treatment, she ate out of my hand today. lol Don't know why I told you that, just wanted too I guess. lawl


SUCCESS! I have extracted him. I don't have a fuge yet, so I am going to have to take him back to the LFS. Kind of a and learn, I guess.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Please do not take this personally but I believe it is the hobbyists duty to do their research BEFORE they add a new fish to their tank. The False gramma dottyback(Bicolor) is in fact known to be very aggressive and problematic. A better choice in my opinion for a dotty is the Pseudochromis Fridmani


Originally Posted by florida joe
Please do not take this personally but I believe it is the hobbyists duty to do their research BEFORE they add a new fish to their tank. The False gramma dottyback(Bicolor) is in fact known to be very aggressive and problematic. A better choice in my opinion for a dotty is the Pseudochromis Fridmani
I agree and I usually do. I took the word of the guy at the LFS that the bicolor had the same temperament as the royal gramma that I went for. I don't know if he lied or just didn't really know.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I think the problem also lies with the LFS. I would much rather have a salesperson say to me " lets check my book or let me check on line for you as to comparability" sadly most do not and we assume that if they work there they know. I would encourage all hobbyist that are concerned about comparability to post questions on this site where they can ascertain real life information


Interesting your bicolor would act this way. I have a purple psuedo that is 4 years old and are claimed to be aggressive but has never acted this way. He could always handle himself as far as defending himself but was never aggressive. He was in a 55g for 2 years with my sailfin tang, tomato clown, 4 stripe damsel, rusty angel and blue w/yellow tail damsel. Of course my other fish were pretty aggressive too so maybe they nuetralized him.
Anyways my advice would be to match fish of the same aggression type. All my fish are semi-aggressive to slightly aggressive. Mixing passive fish with aggressive fish can lead to trouble.