AGgresive setup.


:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish:happyfish
look guys it's my new tank. lol and the water doen't need to be changed and the fish don't need to be fed. Its a dream!
i just love how they school together


salt_hobbi, I have been meaning to ask you something..
i know you dont have a sump or fuge, and neither do i..
so I wanted to ask you how much water do you change per week and if you add any other elements to your water..
Buffer, vitamins, etc???
Also how many watts is your PC lighting and do you have only soft corals??


Well, it seems that this post has turned into a joke, so I don't feel bad about asking my own questions. Liontammer, I baught an already setup 55g tank from a friend that is moving over seas. It has a Dwarf Zebra Lion and a Leaf fish(scorpion fish). I was wondering if I could add anything else with them? It has two 304 fluval canister filters for filtration. Thanks for any help either you or anyone can help give me.