aggresive tank with sand bed?


i have a 55gal tank that my clowns and flame angel just bit the dust and im letting it sit for a month or more let the ich die out. i was thinking of going with a snowflake eel, dwarf lion, and saddle puffer or another small puffer possibly. i have a sand bed and was wondering since the puffer would eat any hermits or snails probibly what keeps the sand clean? also how does eel dwarf lion and saddle puffer rank with ease of care and feeding?


New Member
For your first question I would recommend using either sand sifiting starfish (Astropecten polycanthus). You can read up about them at the following link
you can use Horseshoe Crabs( Limulus polyphemus.)
again link provide with information about the speicies below.
Either of these two speices will keep your sand clean.
As for your second question, all of the fish you intend to keep are relativly easy and not very aggressive. Most will take live or frozen food, such as shrimp, squid, goldfish, silversides,etc..
Good Luck


New Member
Yes, they will stay alive. If you not sure pick up one specimen and see if the fish bother any of them. If you want the next time i am out diving I will see if I can find a couple of small crabs or sand sifiting starfish and I can send them to you to try. This way if your fish eat them (probably not) then you are not out the money and the fish had a good snack. If they don't eat them then once again you are not out any money and you have some critters to clean the tank.