Aggresive versus Community Tank


Well my 125 gallon tank has finished it's cycle and now we are deciding which way to go. We had a community tank in the past so we are looking at it as been there done that. We like the looks of the aggressive fish like the eels and triggers, lions etc. Lets hear opinions on the pros and cons of each. We put a red hawk in yesterday and the lfs said he would be fine in either tank. Let's hear it...... Craig


I also have a 125g. tank and I went w/ more aggressive fish. I have a Naso tang(docile), emperor angel, sailfin tang, orange-shoulder tang, cleaner wrasse, orangle-lined wrasse, and soon to be a sohol tang. I would get a few tangs. I would stay away from lionfish and triggers. I personally don't care for triggers since my sohol tang in the fish store got its eye eaten by a clown trigger. I would stick w/ fish that you don't have to worry about them attacking your hand when your cleaning the tank. Personally I think I would take a cut from a tang then a bit or sting from an eel or lionfish. Just my opinion. TJ
When I had my aggressive tank, I was always trying to "brak up" fights between the fish. No matter what I did, one fish was always more aggressive than all the others. With my community, all the fish get along and I don't have to worry that I am stressing an individual out too much by having "friends" that didn't get along. And my community is very entertaining, they come and play with my hand when I am cleaning, will pick the food out of my hand, and my angel fish lets me pet her, sorta. You could not do this with most aggressive fish.


LionFish says.....
There are pros and cons to both of these kinds of fish tanks. Community is easier to keep, easier to feed and safer to put your hands in. But most community fish can be very skiddish while some community fish are very hardy and personable, I seem to like agressive fish. Now while some agressive fish are hard to feed, it is worth the time and effort you put into it. LionFish are my favorite fish. Takes some time to get them to eat frozen food and you have to watch out for their poisonous fins. Overall lionfish,once tamed, are a very hardy specimen and live for many years. Triggers are easier to feed and more active than lions and are beautiful as they are aggressive. And Harlequin Tusks are a favorite of mine,can be tricky to feed butt is an awesome fish to keep. There are some fish that are kinda in between. Tangs are awesome fish. Not Really aggressive and very nice specimens for a community or an aggressive tank.


I don't know how your fish act in front of you, but my fish LOVE me to death(because I feed them). The fish that have been there 4 weeks beg for food all the time. My Emperor is very entertaining. He puts on a show whenever I'm infront of the tank. The tangs are AWSOME... You can have a lot of tangs just that, you have to be aware of the aggressive ones and add them in the right order or all at once. My sailfin and orange-shoulder were fightin off and on yesterday and it was cool to watch them. Yes, I know that is kinda mean, but I think it's cool how surgeonfish fight. Today they are all cool w/ each other, but my sailfin thinks he rules the tank untill the emperor puts him in his place. I think you should get tangs and an angel. You'll find out that any fish is fun to watch once they become acclimated and get use to your presence. You could also put a lionfish in w/ them, but I disagree w/ getting triggers. Just my opinion. TJ


I have a 150fo tank and i think it has all of the coolest fish. I have a lunare wrasse(incredible looking fish), yellow tang,hippo tang,naso tang,clown trigger(2" so he grows up with the other fish and hopefully wont eat them all),flame angel,koran angel(juvenile), and emperor angel(juvenile) they all get along fine and its a great variety of fish.


Well thank-you all for your responses. Please keep them coming. We are leaning towards the aggressive tank. We are thinking of a dwarf lion, niger, picasso, and a naso tang. I now have a few more questions. What order should I add these to my tank? Any other fish that would go with these? Last but not least, What kind of bottom dwellers can I get? Any blennies? I like the eyelash blennies. Would that work? Or would he be lunch? Craig


Definatly add the naso first unless you get a big one. You can get one if you want, but I wouldn't get the picasso trigger. They get really aggressive like clown triggers and can snap anytime. I would get a niger, but not a picasso. If you get those aggressive fish that swim all the time bottom dwellers don't come out. I have experienced this w/ my sleeper gobies and jawfish. I haven't seen them since I put them in. They have so many tunnels where they can hide and I don't have to tear up my tank looking for them. I would also get a harlqeuin tuskfish!! They are awsome. TJ