Aggressive 55g



Just curious what everyone's opinions are on this topic...what would be a good tankmate (1 or 2?) for a dwarf lion in a 55 gallon?


I have a 55 gallon also. I want a darwf lion, eel, and grouper they say the tank is to small for the grouper but the eel is good. Tangs are good also but triggers are bad. What do you like!
Tangs need alot more swimming room than a 55 gal has, at least a 6 foot tank. Stay away from puffers and triggers, both will most likely hassle your lions and need a much bigger tank.


Active Member
golden dwarf eel, sfe, green wolf eel, oh and u could add a great white so long as u upgrade in a few months


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puffers and lions should get along, correct me if i'm wrong. although the tank isn't large enough for a puffer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
puffers and lions should get along, correct me if i'm wrong. although the tank isn't large enough for a puffer.
its iffy, the large puffers will if its a large tank, but i wouldnt even put tobys in there, its to small and the puffer would get bored fast


A toby puffer(valentini) or even a hawaiian blue spotted puffer is more than suitable for a 55g as a tankmate.
sfe's are good too...just make sure your filtration is good enough so when he comes of the size say 20" and above they let out alot of crap(nitrates) your system can handle it.
Along with those 3 tankmates you could maybe add a small blue damsel but eventually may make its way into the mouth of your lion...
And rule of thumb that most people go by is if you have a lion, no puffers or triggers. But some have had success with keeping them together so it's a risk on your part. good luck,


Thanks to everyone that replied!!! My fiance is the one that really wants to start the aggressive tank and can't make up his mind on whether or not to do it. I was thinking a sfe as well, but I wasn't sure if it would be comfortable with how big it would get in a 55 gallon, but if it would be possible and it would be happy (as happy as it can be in captivity), then that would be a really great. Also, a puffer was another possibility, but from what some of you have said, they won't get along with the dwarf lion, and the dwarf lion is a must according to my fiance.
If you guys or anyone else have any other suggestions, that would be great, keep 'em comin'.

p.s. The Great White would be a nice addition...