aggressive angel-advice needed


I have an 80g tank wiht 75# lr. I have had a 3inch juv. koran angel in there for 1 month now and I just got a 3inch puncanto butterfly(I also have snails and cleaner shrimp) There has been some chasing of the butterfly. There isnt any real damage, the butterfly has already ate.(morning of 1st full day) But the angel will only let the butterfly in basically 1/4 of the tank and when ever the butterfly picks at the rock the angel comes and chases it but butterfly is safe to swim around. Should I let them work things out or get a divider? and I have no quarentine tank so I cant move either to that.

big dave

What I would do is rearrange your decor/LR to create new territorries for the 2 of them. The Koran will be too busy restablishing his territory to worry about the Puncanto. IMO.-Big Dave


Ive got a 3" Koran in my 75gal too - and recently have added a similalrly sized yellow tang.
There has been some aggression shown by the angel, but they seem to have worked things out now and both are doing fine. What baffled me was that the Koran would swim past the tang and keep flicking it with its tail, almost as if it was trying to kick it out of the water ! It was quite amusing ;)
I think Im gonna take my Koran back anyway - its a beautiful fish, but very shy and nervy.


my angel is very bold and aggressive, and the butterfly doesnt seem to want to even make a terrritory as he is ALWAYS swimming through the water.


My Koran is extremely aggressive. He fights with any fish I put in the tank for a period of time, even attributing to the deaths of some.