Aggressive Anthias?


My pink square anthias has to like own my tank. He won't let the clown fish near him and I even added a cleaner shrimp and he makes his mouth huge to try and scare him. When my sailfin blenny comes out he chases him as well as my goby. He also does this to my foxface. I'm thinkin about takin him back to the lfs. I know they're supposed to be peaceful fish, but I think I got the mean one. Does anybody have any ideas why he's this way or how to make him stop?


I have also got a pink square anthia, he also gives all of my fish a hard time, i am gonna ger rid of mine too, if he doesn't settle down. give him a few days, and see if he settles down.


Active Member
Wow, I wish I lived closer because I would love a hardy and dominant pink square anthias. They are usually pretty timid but they are always exceptions to most rules.


Yeah he's doing really good no doubt about that, but he's just a jerk lol. He won't let anything come out and be by him besides the foxface and sometimes even gives the foxface a hard time. I'm just gonna trade him back to the lfs maybe for another one or a completely different fish I'm not real sure.