Aggressive cleaner shrimp. . .


I added one yesterday, and another today after seeing that the other was fine, yet lonely. They were on their own for a while, but as soon as they found eachother, the one who was in first started attacking the other...
has anyone else had this problem? will it dissipate over time?
Drew :)

salty james

Hi Drew,
I have two of them, and they at first were not
getting along. Competing for space, but after a
couple of weeks they seem to be getting along.
Do you have alot of LR in your tank ?
This usually helps them have their own space. My royal gramma keeps both of them in check!


Active Member
I tend to agree with saltyj, if you have L/R in your tank all should be fine in a day or two. They are probably(as said in the previous post) just competing for space in the tank. I wouldn't worry. :)


I came home today and they were best buds... stuck my hand in the tank and they both hopped on, started cleaning...the first little 'prick' I felt made me jump, but its really neat watching them clean my arm ;)
Drew :)