aggressive cleaners


i love looking at huge aggressive fish and would love to soemday have my own ginormous tank
ive always wondered how you keep them clean though. if you have triggers and puffers and things that eat the regular reef cleaners.....
lots of manual maintenance?


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
i love looking at huge aggressive fish and would love to soemday have my own ginormous tank
ive always wondered how you keep them clean though. if you have triggers and puffers and things that eat the regular reef cleaners.....
lots of manual maintenance?
UV Sterilizers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
i hear those are overrated
im talkin about uneaten food, fish poopies, algae
I've always had good success with the Aqua brand. I love mine. Had a huge outbreak of ich when I first started, as well as a little yellowey water, and I haven't had ich since I put that on there, and my water is now crystal clear.


You can try large Snails (Turbos) and large Hermits, such as Red Starry Hermits, which I've always had very good luck with. Mine have been through tanks with tankmates such as a Clown Trigger, Queen Trigger, Durgeon Trigger, and a Porc. Puffer.


I have a calico crab that's about 5" in my tank. My 8" porc and my 7" niger don't bother it after their first attempts got them clawed at. I wouldn't trust any small fish with a calico crab though, they have incredible crushing power and are very fast.


Active Member
Key word to all of this is BIG. you'll have to buy em almost full grown in order for them to survive.


Active Member
I have large hermits in my 210, snails are gonners in my tank, my golden puffer even took out my small scarlets.
I also have a purple urchin that they dont mess with, prob cause of the long spikes.