aggressive damsel


New Member
:notsure: i have a black domino damsel which is a pain in the but. a few fish have died because of him. he chases any new fish that i buy and its starting to give me the idea of catching him and taking him to an aquarium.
A few fish that have died due to the damsel.
:fox face
:clown fish
:coral beauty
:sailfin tang


Active Member
Mine isnt that bad. Iv had him for around a month or so and I bought to fish the other day and I turned the lights off he chased them for alittle while now he dont pay no attention to them. I left the light off until the next morning.


I wish I would have been here and you would have posted recos before you put that POS Damsel in your tank. I've had most every Damnsel avaliable to the Hobbyist - one point. IME THe Black Domino is hands down the worse. I honestly don't know why any experienced Hobbyist would want one as they're ultimately a pain in the ass, as your experiencing and they're nothing special to look -.
A good friend had to take apart his entire(gorgeous) Reef as his Black Domino damsel was reaking havoc. He Tried everything.....*red light method*, Adding a Small Lion......nada worked on that crazy lil

. He finally had to take his entire 155gal. reef apart over 1 lil pos Damsel. Then he flushed the Poor think down the Toilet(ooh the Lack of Ethics..hehe).
The problem is that many people initally add Damsels to their relatively new tanks to find that they can be more heartache then they're worth once the tank is truly established.
Good Luck cathing him. It might sound Crazy, but relative to your setup, the Lionfish addition(like Jer is saying) might not be so bad if all else fails. Try the*redlight* method that should be avaliable here via the Serach funtion.
If you didn't live in Oz, I'd be happy to(try to) Catch him for ya with Minimum problems so I can feed his crazy ass to my buddies Eel. Throw him back in the Ocean.


The thing about damsels are they are very territorial.


If you want to keep the little guy all you have to do is re-arrange your rock work then put in your new fish that should help.


Active Member
I did that but not when I got new fish to making my tank look better. Bolth my damsles stopped everything and was checking things out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by martin280
:notsure: i have a black domino damsel which is a pain in the but. a few fish have died because of him. he chases any new fish that i buy and its starting to give me the idea of catching him and taking him to an aquarium.
A few fish that have died due to the damsel.
:fox face
:clown fish
:coral beauty
:sailfin tang

rearange your tank a bit this will make him chose a different territory.damsels are very territorial moving your rocks a bit will confuse him.and dont bet on a lion always eating them I have a damsel with my 10 in lion.and yes they do attack new commers my striped went after my niger trigger that didnt last long lol


I don't think it will work for damsels.
Atleast it didn't help mine.
Damsels never again.
If all else fails try to find a small enough fishin hook with light line and bait it with krill or shrimp.
I'm guessing it should be big enough to hook if it took out those larger fish.
Worth a couple bucks to try it.
That damsel cost you alot of money.


Active Member
I have had the same damsel in my 125 for 2 1/12 yrs sinse day one.I do it everytime he gets to be a pain.hes the only survivor out of 10 damsels including the dominos and blue devils he took out.but i am also adding some very agressive fish to this tank.he knows hes a light snack


Active Member
I must be lucky with my damsles I know they get meanier when they get older but if they have territories picked out they wont be as bad as a really big one in a new tank. Mine will give chase every now and then but nothing really fast kinda comparable to a human in a slow jog "anyway not to fast just making the other guy leave". I have 4 damsles and I am thinking of getting one more or trading one I have for a new one. Though the fish I have are gonna be either mildy tempered or agressive "as long as there reef safe" so they should work out fine.