Aggressive Fish for trade


I have an Orange Toadfish and a Scorpionfish that I would like to trade for some varietty of corals.
The Orange Toad I belive to be Batrachoides gilberti.
The Scorpionfish may be Scorpaena plumieri but I am not for sure.
I also want to stay local and not have to ship.
Pictures soon, or you can stop by my shop and check them out. The Scorpionfish has accepted FD Krill. The Toadfish is being picky.
Oklahoma City


They are inside breeder boxes at the moment in my 30 gallon reef growout tank. They do not move much in the wild, so I am going to keep them there for about a week. I have someone interested in the Scorpionfish so he may be gone sooner. If not i will set up a couple of tanks and plumb them to my growout and keep them seperate from my other fish.