Aggressive fish in a 125G?

Suppose if I want to buy a 125G for aggressive fish-only.
1-Panthfield grouper (black dotted/greyish body)
1-Triggerfish (undecide spicement)
1- Violian Lionfish
1- Dogface (undecide spicement)
That's it. Would it easily to foul up when they grow to a foot each others? how much to feed them? Ecomonical hiding type? (Dead rock or what oraments)
Filtration- would algae sump with PS do the trick? (Maybe their cowwaste will please the algae?):D
Lighting- would 2-72 foot long tube be enough? 50/50 lighting?
By the way would DSB be better than CC? How thick?


Never had a trigger, or dogface so I cant tell you anything about them. But I have heard that puffers tend nip at the fins of Volitans.
Panthers are cool looking groupers. The way they swim just amuses me. The way they waddle back and forth. I had one way back but unfortunately, my lion just harassed it to death. It was only about 2" when my lion was about 6". The lion hunted it every night until one day it bit it and the panther never recovered. So, make sure the panther is well sized to not fit in the volitans mouth. They do get very big though.
Filtration- Plan on buying some live rock. Also, you would need a good skimmer and possibly a refugium to keep those nitrates down with all those messy eaters. Plan on a DSB of about 4-5", or more if prefer. It will help break down nitrate.
Lighting- Any flourescent would do with fish only.


Mr. Angelfish thats 4 fish that could grow to more than a foot each! If thats what you wanted to keep you be better off getting a 180 or 220. As far a filtration goes youd need plenty of lr, a good skimmer like a berin, and some kind of either power filter or canister filter! You could have sand but a dsb would be hard to maintain in a tank with fish that produce as much waste as those, and most triggers will redecorate the tank to their liking anyway.


There is about 60 pounds of LR in my tank. I wanted to have more swimming space for my fishes and not just a bunch of rock that I would be staring at.


Triggers require lr because it is such an important aspect of their environment! Triggers eat almost anything, even the lr itself sometimes, and they need somewhere to hide when they are startled and a safe place to sleep at night! In my experience with triggers ( I keep presently all species commonly incounter in the trade) they don't feel safe if they can't lock in! I am a big angel man too and i've found that angels seem to fare better also when they're provide with ample rock to both hide/ shelter in and to brose and pick over!Just my experience.