Aggressive FOWLR 260 gallon aquarium fish


New Member
Hi everyone,
I have decided to start a 260 gallon, 8 foot fowlr aquarium. My dream tank would include:
1 Emperor Angelfish
1 Blonde Naso Tang
1 Mimic Lemon Peel Tang
1 Pinkface Wrasse
1 Humu Picasso Trigger
1 Dog Face Puffer
1 Hippo Tang
Does anyone see anything wrong with this stock list as far as compatibility and also is that too many fish for this size tank? All suggestions and advice will be appreciated. Thanks!


Looks ok on the face of it. Others may chime in on the order in which to add them. Obviously not all at once or before proper cycling and bacteria build up. Probably suggested order would be Wrasse, Dog Face, Trigger, tangs together and Emperor last.
Picasso Triggers are fun. They'll wedge themselves into holes in the rock to sleep, they're not stuck, so don't try to pull them out thinking they are. :)


Well-Known Member
That's the one fish u could have issues w. The trigger. I like them myself. However they are aggressive and that tends to increase w age. However u r looking at large fish in a big tank

noah's nemo

Like jay said ,the humu will become a PITA and you will want him out in time ...
They are great when little but they do grow (very slow IME) and want to rule the tank..I had one for about 4 years till i had enough of him killing tank mates! He even bullied my clown trigger(also gone now) ..I love triggers and now have 3 fairly peaceful ones living happily together with all the other tank mates ..Other than that trigger the stock looks great..Maybe consider a red tail AKA sargassum trigger