Aggressive King Angel


I'm looking for some opinions about this. I currently have a 125 gallon fowlr setup. I have a 6" Yellow Tang, a 4" Powder Blue Tang, a 4-5" King Angel, a 2" Domino Damsel, and a 3" Diamond Watchman Gobie, and some shrimp. I just added a 3" Tomato Clown yesterday and my King Angel is just about beating the crap out of him. I'm getting a little nervous. Will this settle down in a couple of days, or am I in for a blood bath?
Thanks :help:


Active Member
The passer will probably not let up. They are definitely the nastiest angel and I would try to get the clown out of there. The only clown I think you could add to that set-up is a larger maroon.
I have to SERIOUSLY agree. I had a passer in my previous tank (125 g). It was a terror. You likely will not be able to add anything else to the tank. current residents should (hopefully) be OK. Sorry, but they are a beautiful fish, but don't belong in a community tank.


Yeah, the passer shows a little aggression toward the other tank mates, but it's nothing abnormal. The difference is that he's actually harrassing the clown.


Originally Posted by marinenut
On another note, how do you think a large Clown Trigger would fair against the passer?
Clown Trigger 1, Passer 0
The passer is definately the meanest angelfish out there, but I don't see it holding its own against a large clown trigger. Both are fish that need their own tank IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by angel-lover14
you should try moving your lr around, it mingt calm him down a little

Hmm, yeah, you could try that....Probably won't work though, Passers are really aggressive....Oh BTW, this thread is from 2005
ya i know i just was bored so i wanted to say somthing, but i had some angels before that were really agressive and i moved my lr and it helped