Aggressive Lawnmower Blenny?


New Member
My blenny and a dragon wrasse are the latest additions to my tank (3 mo). My blenny now eats anything I put in the tank, and maybe even the fins and scales of some of my fish. The victims are a yellow tang, coral beauty, and a foxface. the coral beauty and tang have lost scales and skin around their eyes as well as chewed up fins. The foxface has slight nicks on his tail fin. These 3 go everywhere together, and for the life of me I can't spot an aggresser. They don't act timid or scared around any of my other fish. My female bird wrasse also has some scales missing near her tail, but I think the male bird wrasse is to blame for that. I never see him chase anyone else. The only other fish I have in this 135 gal is a dottyback, stars & stripes puffer, and a pearlscale butterfly. I have never had success with a blenny(too mean), but everyone told me the lawnmover blenny was docile. He may still be innocent, has anyone out there any experience in this matter? Why would these established fish let another fish attack them on their face and around their eyes?
I would like to show their photos but I haven't fiqured out to do that yet.


New Member
The blenny & wrasse are 3 mo residents, the tank has been set up for years. Sorry.


Active Member
Aha okay. Well usually those blennys are very docile and don't really bug anything but algae!


Don't worry, maybe the dragon wrasse(when grown) will arrange your rock work so the blenny can't get to the other fish. :joy:


i suspect my lawnmower blenny is the cause of several missing fish of mine. I was also told he was not agressive but i dont beilve this to always be the case.


New Member
Hi Kojack,
My pearlscale butterfly is out for what appears to be 24 hrs a day. He has never been aggressive, but I wonder if he could be picking on these fish when the are lying down at night. These 3 fish are letting someone strip scales & skin from around their eyes & mouth, not to mention their fins. Very strange, in the daytime everyone is on their best behavior.