Aggressive Maroon Clown?


I have my 28 g reef tank for over 8 months now. Tank casaulty is always fish only. Bicolor pseudo, firefish, royal gamma and jaw fish. All my fish died due to bully maroon clown (one year old). All fish suffered and died from (chasing and bitting)stress and ICK infection. Except my dawrf lion fish is not affected by the bully and is doing well. Right now, I can not add any fish into my tank because of my clown. Do you have any solution besides giving up the clown? :mad:


QT the clown after QTing the new fish, swap them, give the new fish a week or two to get established and set up a territory before reintroducing the clown. clowns are a member of the damsel family and can be aggressive sometimes.


You might want to switch him to another tank if you have that option available. If you do, this method has worked for me in the past.
You might not want to put small fish in the tank with a dwarf lion though.


Thanks for your advise. Look like I to have to make a difficult decision either to give up my clown and dwarf lion or nothing else. I really like them. Wow, let me think about it.