Aggressive or Non?


Active Member
uh yeah not so interested in spending 20 dollars for a snack for a puffer, besides i like some of the inverts.....they are cute!! anyway, so you can have a nonaggressive tank with wrasses? what breeds would be good with clowns?


you could keep a maroon clown with agressive fish. sometimes they become the nastiest fish in the tank and get big enough to defend there territory.


Active Member
okay so a tomato clown can be kept with other aggressives.....but can they be kept with nonaggressive also? what about that with mandarin later?


Active Member
I don't think theres any limitation to clowns aside from no more then 2 of any species and preferably no more then 1 species per tank.


Active Member
okay so what about this list?
black and white percula
false percula
coral beauty angelfish
lawnmower blenny
royal gramma
copperband butterfly
harlequin tusk
blue throat trigger
powder blue tang
mandarin dragonet
i know some of those are more difficult and all that.......i am simply asking right now if they can be in the tank together


Active Member
but all the rest are okay? is there a possibility of a dwarf lionfish? i know they are pretty small and they just eat what will go in their mouths so do you think that the clowns and others will be lunch?


Active Member
oh and would i have room for more or would that be pushing it? i am not sure the size of all of these full grown and i don't want to have to give them away later.


Active Member
Ya I'm not sure on the full size of the rest of those either, I only know aggressive fish. My gut tells me at least some of those fish won't be that safe with a Lion, like the Blenny or the Perculas.


Active Member
yeah i thought so.........i am getting mixed reactions with the clowns though. some are saying to not put them in the tank together at all.....but you don't think that they would be okay in 150 gallons?


Active Member
Might want to check that in the clown forum. I'm not sure if those are considered 2 different types of clowns or not.


Active Member
good idea i just did that. my bf is really bent on having the false perculas and now he wants a mated pair. I still really like the black and whites. good idea on the longnose. do you have any idea what order they should go into the tank? here is the list again.
long nose
coral beauty
lawnmower blenny
harlequin tusk
mated pair of false percula
black and white percula
fuzzy dwarf
and are there any other fish that could go in there with them or is that enough for 150 gallon?


Active Member
Well in that list Clowns would probly go first and mandarin last, just due to the hardiness/requirements of them.


the main problem with feeding live to your fish is that the excess fat causes bladder problems, and can potentially introduce disease into your tank.
I switched from a community tank to an aggressive tank and i love it. i have a lunare wrasse, that is about 4 inches right now and keeps on the move. he is non aggressive towards the tankmates. i have 3 clownfish and several damsels which i use to acclimate my tanks, which works great for me.
mandarin fish are hard to keep, as you must have perfect water peramaters. plus he would never survive with your other list of tankmates as he is shy and likes to hide.
Aggressive fish are much more hardier than community fish. they have to be to eat the meats that they eat. they do put out more ammonia because of being sloppy eaters.
As a beginner I would enlist the help of people on the board to help find the best fish for you to start out with.
mandarins, butterflies, angels, some tangs. are not good fish for beginners.
hope this can be of some help for you.


when you set up your tank and introduce your first additions, if they are aggressive make sure to put them in at the same time for territory reasons.
damsels and clowns tend to get territorial very quickly.