
Yes my tank is a 180 AGA, 30 sump 55 fuge . getting a bit better have been feeding more as u said so he's following me around tank . As BTLDREEF SAID WHY CANT OUR FISH JUST BEHAVE


BTLDREEF... Hope your still there my PBT has learned to accept my purple Tang.
I was hoping I can add a sailfin and a yellow Tang to finish my stock list but think i messed up the order so think its not possible what u think.


Of course I'm here, I'm a moderator, lol
I'm glad he's not being a beast anymore! Adding anymore tanga, especially Zebrasomas is going to be tough, I'm nit sure that I'd risk it.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Yas2903 you missed a mean tang you need to add a Sohal to your wish list.
+1 with BTLDreef these are all very agressive tangs and you already have PBT in tank.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/386780/aggressive-powder-blue/20#post_3403085
Of course I'm here, I'm a moderator, lol
I'm glad he's not being a beast anymore! Adding anymore tanga, especially Zebrasomas is going to be tough, I'm nit sure that I'd risk it.
........ I figured that. I read one of ur previous treads about the evil Sailfin u were baby sitting....
LOL. I figured if i divide the tank since its a pool any way with egg create add the two and with time lets say a month remove the egg create i think it may work. Just my mind working at 100 MPH.


Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///forum/thread/386780/aggressive-powder-blue/20#post_3403232
Yas2903 you missed a mean tang you need to add a Sohal to your wish list.
+1 with BTLDreef these are all very agressive tangs and you already have PBT in tank.
Look who TALKING MR and u have the PBT as your avatar......
I know I know i cant help the fish i like. Its just like your first love everyone and your mother tells u she not the one and you still fall for her
its life i guess. The reason why i say and have such a CRAZY stock list is that my mentor who convinced me into getting into such an ADDICTION like SALT WATER FISHES. Has a 240 and when I started to learn i was telling him he was nuts he just laughs at me. This is his fish list
1 Yellow tang 3 Naso tang 5 PBT 7 panther grouper 9 niger trigger snow flake ell
2 purple " " 4 sailfin 6 Hippo 8 humu trigger 10 queen angle and they all live happily. i guess it all about the fish personality. BTLDREEF had an aggressive sailfin i never heard of them being aggressive. it all about that certain fish and the way they were raised what i have come to learn.


BTLDREEF. as u said in my other post about the green algae. I started removing it with my hand and i pile it up to a corner and i take it out its just on the surface i thought it was stuck to the sand bed its so easy to remove.
THANKS A MILLION. now my tank looks nice still have some more to remove maybe this weekend..


Originally Posted by yas2903 http:///forum/thread/386780/aggressive-powder-blue/20#post_3403388
BTLDREEF. as u said in my other post about the green algae. I started removing it with my hand and i pile it up to a corner and i take it out its just on the surface i thought it was stuck to the sand bed its so easy to remove.
THANKS A MILLION. now my tank looks nice still have some more to remove maybe this weekend..
Glad to hear that it's all working out for you! :)

mr. limpid

Active Member
Yas2903 glad you took it the way i meant it about the mean tangs. I to love tangs going to have 3 in my 135, yes my last tang is PBT and it currently in my DT going threw hypo. Love to see pictures of your friends tank with all those tangs.


i feel bad for making the mistake. but i was told that the powder blue was only aggressive towards other tangs and with fish that have a similar body. so i was thinking that a copperband butterfly (he's bigger than the powder), would be okay.
i will say, that the powder has calmed down in the last few hours. i mean, he hasn't messed with the regal tang at all. the regal is even smaller. hopefully, the powder was just flexing alot of muscle in the beginning. any thoughts?


Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid http:///forum/thread/386780/aggressive-powder-blue/20#post_3403464
glad you took it the way i meant it about the mean tangs. I to love tangs going to have 3 in my 135, yes my last tang is PBT and it currently in my DT going threw hypo. Love to see pictures of your friends tank with all those tangs.
Love to show u. its displayed in a chinese restaurant if u lived here in NYC would tell u address. I never posted pic's either so if u show me how i will try. And u will be surprised and shocked as i was. the CRAZY thing is the yellow tang is the only one who has a nip fin owner told me he was purchase him that way and i believe him because I eat there all the time I never see aggression.


Originally Posted by adamricky http:///forum/thread/386780/aggressive-powder-blue/20#post_3403726
i feel bad for making the mistake. but i was told that the powder blue was only aggressive towards other tangs and with fish that have a similar body. so i was thinking that a copperband butterfly (he's bigger than the powder), would be okay.
i will say, that the powder has calmed down in the last few hours. i mean, he hasn't messed with the regal tang at all. the regal is even smaller. hopefully, the powder was just flexing alot of muscle in the beginning. any thoughts?
Yes its all about u giving it a try my PBT only does mess with my tangs. I have fire fish, clown, and even the one fish every one calls a DEVIL..... LOL
Blue devil damsel everyone say they are the worst he is my best............... ( PBT ) started messing with my purple then after 2 weeks he just started messing with my NASO and whats crazy my naso used to pick on him now the tables have turned...... So i solved the problem by adding a algae clip for each tang and they love each other now.. Now they all stay away from each other. Im not going to tell u add PBT last because i did and look i started thread because of him.. but will say you will never really know in till u try but if the fish is a shy fish like the copperband would try to divide tank as i mentioned above with egg create in till the fish gets established and begins to eat then after a month or two remove egg create. You Should have a better shot that way. JUST LIKE LOTTO HEY U NEVER NOW