Aggressive pr Non??


Active Member
Okay so I am purchasing a 150 gallon tank in about 6 months (taxes yeah!). I am having the common problem of figuring which direction to go. I know a lot about fresh water fish but almost nothing about salt. I have been looking up a lot of fish that I like but keep running into the problem of them being incompatible or too difficult to keep ( sad, cool fish). So I need a generalization here. Is it generally easier to keep aggressive or non?? I should say which is hardier? If it helps I know I am going with a fish only tank. I do not want a reef tank. Any assistance would be really helpful.


Active Member
do u hv any fish in mind? make a list and we can tell u which one is good and compatible in a 150.


Active Member
i like a lot of different ones.
powder blue tang is beautiful but yes i know hard to keep
fu man chu lionfish
colorful wrasse
clownfish black and white prolly
one angelfish? have to look closer
puffers both dogface, guineafowl and golden are cool
lunare wrasse
achilles tang
jewel damsel
snowflake eel


New Member
You have a great list of fish, BUT... You are kinda mixing aggressive fish with non-aggressive fish and then you could run into problems. To do saltwater, you need to pick out your behavior of the fish. I picked non-aggressive and I have been doing great. there is a lot of great fish in both catagories.


Active Member
i know i am that is why i asked originally what are hardier, aggressive or nonaggressive? which are easier to keep?


New Member
Oh i read the question wrong, my bad. The maintenence in freshwater is easier, but saltwater can also be easy too if you take your time and dont rush things. There is hardy fish in both types of catagories. But, if you choose saltwater, go with damsels for the first month at least to make sure that your tank is stable to hold cooler fish. i hope i awnsered you question right.


Active Member
yes that is some of what i needed to know. my main problem is i keep looking for fish that i like and i really like fish on both sides. for instance i really like the puffers but i would also love to have a clown fish. i would love to have an eel but that would eat a lot of small fish. so i was wondering what would be a really bright active tank and also relatively easy to keep. i would love to have a mandarin once the tank is very established but then i can't have something larger and aggressive in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
dont ever go with damsel to cycle a tank. its not only cruel, but a mistake. just let the tank cycle the natural way. the snowflake eel is a good choice. it is very hardy and cheap. the only drawback is it will eat shrimps and smaller fish. most angels r hard to keep until the tank is established. puffers r not too hard to keep and very messy eaters, and will eat all of all inverts. lionfish is nice and hardy, but picky eaters.


Active Member
well lets go this route then. i know that my bf wants to have a clown fish for sure ( Nemo*sigh*) so what kinds of fish am i looking at then? tomato clown is more aggressive right? i like the black and white though.


Active Member
ocellaris clowns r very peaceful when it comes to clownfish. the more aggressive one would be the maroon clown.


Active Member
can a tomoto clown be in a tank with a mandarin then? i would like to have one once the tank is well established.