aggressive Q's


New Member
I've been a reefkeeper for a number of years, and have recently decided to try an aggressive tank. I have a 75 gallon with 75 lbs of live rock to start out my tank with. Although I still have a few months of cycling before I can actually put critters in the new tank, I'd like to get some ideas on what I should keep and what type of filtration I should use. I have found that in my reef, having about 2 lbs/gallon live rock with powerheads and an empty HOTB filter for surface water agitation has kept my levels better than my other mechanical forms of filtration. Will this work on an aggressive tank (eel, sting ray, or smallish shark)? I do plan on moving up to a 150 gallon tank by next year, so I'm not too worried about the small size. Ideas please!
Thanks in advance.


you can check out its the local houston marine aquarium and reef society.
As for specifics, its up to you, in my opinion you first need to narrow down what your looking for.
Your filtration sounds fine, and i would include some sort of big skimmer to ensure decent water quality. Just plan on dong frequent water exchanges and keepin an eye on your water quality, since the biload and waste levels are higher in these setups, care must be taken to ensure its doesn't reach critical levels
Fo tanks are just like reeftank, except you have cooler fish.


Hey RockinAR
your statement does not even deserve a response from me, however since you asked, I will address your post.
I will accept the fact that I've posted on this webboard. I will accept the fact that I have pointed "houstonians" toward possibly a website for a very good reef society (apparently you missed the fact that missFORD lives in Houston). A reef society in which they can meet other local reefers, discuss ideas, exchange frags, and hear free talks from people like Eric Borneman (a houstonian).
If you look back and note that any time i even present this website its on members who live in Houston.
I'll accept that i have pointed people who have asked about getting stuff in the Houston area to check out that website, as they can contact other houstonians.
However i swore i was answering missFORD question, a fellow houstionian, who could possibly have her questioned addressed in a local fashion, by checking out that website, maybe evening ask a similar question to local people. More resources to check for more information.
I also went back and found my posts in the past days and searched for me even mentioning this website.
I discovered that I posted 3 times yesterday, as you suggested, and not once beside this post do I see the marsh website. Just to give your possible suggestion any glimmer of creedence I went back over 5 days, located all my posts and also searched for mention of this website. Sorry no luck there either.
I found that the marshreef website has been identified 2X besides this in the past 5 months
You present an interesting supposition... what do i gain by getting people to join a reef society? and this supposed profit goes to me??? are you suggeting that I'm stealing money from the reef society, or that people are making society checks out to me?
I'd suggest next time you decide to call someone on the carpet, that you support your arguement w/ facts.
Thanks for the Good luck.
Now.... can we get back to the original question.


Way to tell them Frank...
I must say I have been on boards where Franks advice has been given and have never until this post read anything on this Marshreef site.
Man there have been a lot of pissing matches going on lately!! Whatsup with that? We all are looking for the same thing arent we? HELP!!!!!


Oh ...Miss ford I meant to comment on your post....
I have a 75 gal FOWLR and I have about 75 lbs of LR...about 2-3 inches of LS , 4 PH that total about 760 gph, a protein skimmer , and a 9watt UV sterilizer ...oo and also I have a emporer 400 and have had no problem with water quality at all. My nitrates do not register at all on the test . I have some messy eaters as I have a Huma Huma and a Lion . What kind of aggressive fish are you looking at?
I do not consider my Lion or my Huma to really be aggressive as some would say. The set up you have sounds pretty good to me. You may consider adding some PH to help circulate water and place them in different spots through out your tank!!!


New Member
Well, I went to Aquarium World today, and have talked my other half into a tide pool on the back of the house (sun room). Therefore, I won't have a problem with tank size for an aggressive set up. It also frees up that 75 gallon I mentioned earlier to become another reef (does it ever stop?). I know I'll have to upgrade on all my equipment, since filtering 1,500 gallons isn't quite like filtering 75. I will definitely head over to the website offered to me, as I'm always up for learning something else. Maybe there's a better, more cost effective way of filtering a shark tide pool.
Also, I've been looking at either a bamboo shark or a kind of Australian shark with a tiny mouth and spots on it. I forgot the name, I need to do more research. I'd like something that will be comfortable in about 1500 gallons of tidepool, give or take. I'm not into having to find it another home because it has out grown it's tank. Ideas on this would be greatly appreciated AGAIN! Sorry for the change in plans, I just never dreamed I'd get the go ahead to get into a project like this.


New Member
By the way, is your Emperor 400 empty? Years ago, I ran the bio wheel on mine, and another reef keeper told me to try taking it out. Now, it is totally empty and just keeps the topwater stirred up. What are your thoughts on this? I don't ever push the limits on my fish, so water quality has never been an issue. Maybe that's why I get away with less filtration?
example of 75 gallon: 1 True Percula Clown, 1 Dragon Goby, 1 Cleaner Wrasse, 20 hermits and snails combined.


There are different thoughts and suggestions on the Bio-wheels as they can harbour nitrates. Mine are still in there and no problems yet. I guess I will jsut have to wait and see....Good luck with your shark tank.
No it never stops as I went today and bought a 20 gal hex for my seahorses. I guess a divorce will be next lmao.