aggressive reefs


I am curious what aggressive fish I could keep in a 110g with corals?
Of course the hermits and snails would not be an option.
What about green brittles?


i've heard that blue throat triggers are ok. also maybe a small lionfish, but then no snails and probably no shrimps.


Originally Posted by greenwolf52
i've heard that blue throat triggers are ok. also maybe a small lionfish, but then no snails and probably no shrimps.
Thanks for the suggestion I was curious about a lionfish. I had assumed no crustaceans (shrimps, snails, hermits) I was more curious about the coral and a green brittle.


green brittle star will be fine. hides out in the rocks most of the time, but loves to come out and spread wide open in the dark. make sure you have lunar lights on your lighting setup. otherwise may not get your money's worth. gotta be able to see what you paid for, right?


Active Member
lion fish are the ideal agressive reef candidate, you could still have hermits and snails for a cleanup crew. no shrimp or any fish small enough to fit into its mouth though, check out the dwarf fuzzy lion they are cool I used to have one in my reef.


Active Member
a green brittle is not likley to eat corals they just occasionally have the habit of snacking on fish if they are not fed well enough.


Thanks for both those!!
The other fish I was interested in was a red corris wrasse?
Would a lion, red corris, go with my percs and a coral beauty, oh and a green brittle
I was thinking about maybe exchanging my two percs for a pair of maroon clowns, would that work?


Active Member
if the clowns will fit in the lions mouth he will eat them.
as for the red coris wrasse
This fish feeds on a wide array of invertebrates, including snails, sand-dwelling bivalves, hermit crabs, crabs, chitons, shrimp, isopods, amphipods and sea urchins. Larger individuals regularly flip over corals and live rock.


Active Member
I have a blue throat trigger in my reef with an array of corals. I have hermits and snails but no shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by greenwolf52
any pics ninja?
sorry to hijack but this is a related hijacking :)

Hold on a minute.
Here ya go:



Originally Posted by ninjamini
I have a blue throat trigger in my reef with an array of corals. I have hermits and snails but no shrimp.
What else do you have with your blue throat?
How quickly do lions grow?


depending on species, they grow pretty quickly. i have a volitan that grows about 2 inches every six months. he is 10" now.


that's awesome ninja. no problems with that guy. huh? i've only heard about them doing well in reefs. never seen it. very cool.


Active Member
I have a little of everything. shrooms, polyps, LPS, SPS softees....
I have lost 2 hermits in 6 months but I don't think that is because of the trigger, but who knows...I also have an emerald but I rarely see him. Last I spotted him about 2-3 weeks ago. There is also a big brittle star, about 14" arm to arm. I want to try a shrimp but have not yet. I figure if I can find a big enough peppermint. I figure he'll eat them.
He eats pellet, frozen and love nori.
On the other hand I had a dwarf lion that was about 6-7". I took him back to the LFS when I consolidated tanks. I knew he would try to eat my blenny.


Heres my idea:
dwarf lion
a blue throat trigger (would it be ok with a green brittle)
red corris wrasse
pair of maroon clowns
Numerous mushrooms
an anemone for the clowns
Lighting is not an issue.
Will these be ok in a 110 that is 62 x 19 x 19?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
Thanks for both those!!
The other fish I was interested in was a red corris wrasse?
Would a lion, red corris, go with my percs and a coral beauty, oh and a green brittle
I was thinking about maybe exchanging my two percs for a pair of maroon clowns, would that work?

red coris, lunar and just about all the aggressive wrasses dont eat corals. If you dont care about shrimp and crustasceans you can have hawkfish, groupers, several species of triggers, large wrasses and many puffers depending on the specimen. they may push over or disrupt the aquascape and keep the bioload high but they dont eat corals. they are safer with corals than the coral beauty. you definately will be better with a maroons then percs. the percs are going to get eaten or picked on with those fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
Heres my idea:
dwarf lion
a blue throat trigger (would it be ok with a green brittle)
red corris wrasse
pair of maroon clowns
Numerous mushrooms
an anemone for the clowns
Lighting is not an issue.
Will these be ok in a 110 that is 62 x 19 x 19?
I have a maroon clown very small with a black hawaiian trigger (or Indian trigger) but you could have either a Blue Throat, Hawaiian, Crosshatch trigger with the inverts and if you put them in after a shrimp it may get lucky and not get eaten. Your list looks good to me. You might check out the Hawaiian Trigger (fairly rare), I believe there is one available on this site. I believe though that they are selling the Indian Trigger (more rare) as a Hawaiian trigger. The Hawaiian can get about 10 to 12 inches where the Indian is smaller at about 8 inches. The one I have is like a puppy dog that changes shading with mood and pops up his trigger when exited. this is a great fish and always sparks interest with anyone who sees him. I am trying to train him to roll over so I can rub his belly.
I just checked and there is still one available. Also the picture doesn't do it justice.


Active Member
The trigger on the top of his back is used to lock himself into the rocks for sleeping. When he is swimming around and another fish gets a bit aggressive with him the trigger goes up and the tail straightens. this just happens for a second or 2. When it's time to eat he swimms around with the trigger up. It's like a spike. maybe that's why triggers are in the same Order as Pufferfish and Spikefish.
Don't you see that with the Blue throat trigger?