aggressive reefs


Originally Posted by bkvreef
Heres my idea:
dwarf lion
a blue throat trigger (would it be ok with a green brittle)
red corris wrasse
pair of maroon clowns
Numerous mushrooms
an anemone for the clowns
Lighting is not an issue.
Will these be ok in a 110 that is 62 x 19 x 19?
So if I go with these what order should I introduce them?
Could I put anything else in with them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
...Don't you see that with the Blue throat trigger?
Did not think anything of it. Just thought it was his fin. Learn somtin new...


Lion fish seem to do Ok in reefs, but they really do hate the lights. A lot of time you'll find them hidding upside down under a peice of LR


Active Member
Originally Posted by ratrod
Lion fish seem to do Ok in reefs, but they really do hate the lights. A lot of time you'll find them hidding upside down under a peice of LR
My lion looked better under MH. They do spend alot of time perched and hiding.


Originally Posted by ninjamini
My lion looked better under MH. They do spend alot of time perched and hiding.
perched on top of rocks, or in caves?


Active Member
Mike perched in a cave, under a rock (if there was room) on the over flow. Anywhere and in any orientation.


Active Member
As I mentioned in the same thread in a different forum, IMO triggers and larger wrasses are a threat to the brittlestar. They may not mess with corals, but this does not mean they will leave a brittlestar alone.


Active Member
I would also say that while it is possible, in general "aggressive reefs" can be limited. Corals need good water quality, and this is often not found with large aggressive fish. Depending on the corals you choose to keep it can certainly be done, but be sure that you don't have it in your mind that you will get the best of both worlds. That can be hard to obtain.